New to Trike's

Feb 20, 2016
Reaction score
Peoria, AZ
I am very interested in purchasing a new HD Tri Glide. I have ridden motorcycles for many years, but never a trike. Living in the Phoenix area, my wife would prefer the trike over motorcycle. Is it difficult to transition from 2 wheels to 3? Also, do you still get respect from other bikers? Any feed back on the Harley Davidson Tri Glide would be greatly appreciated. Thanks...


I'm new myself. Just got my Tri Glide in January. I'm lovin' it :pepper:. I rode two wheels for a while but never got comfortable with it so the transition was pretty easy for me. I had lots of great advice from the great people here on TT. As for respect, I get comments everywhere I go from bikers. Usually it's "nice trike" followed by some questions on the ride etc. I was passed one day on the road by a guy on a Street Glide who gave me the thumbs up :D.

Welcome to the site.

I just jumped on my first trike 2008 and rode 80 + mikes home, Only hitch was at the first stop i put my feet down, Stopped doing that quick, That Trike only has a foot brake.:xszpv: But i have been riding ATC'/ATV's 20 years prior to my first street trike.. So If you ever rode an ATV its very similar...
As far as getting respect, Don't worry about it... Its your ride you paid for it who cares..
Some will worry about waves...To Paraphrase Yogi...
If you don't wave to them:wave4: 'They won't wave back to you..:wave4:
There is a learning curve ... but if you keep focused, which you should be anytime to ride anything, it's not bad ... practice in a parking lot or back street till you're comfortable ... the hardest thing for me to remember was to keep my feet on the boards ... you look pretty silly if you have your feet on the ground "holding up the trike", but, you really are silly where you run over your feet when you take off .. :AGGHH:
There is a learning curve ... but if you keep focused, which you should be anytime to ride anything, it's not bad ... practice in a parking lot or back street till you're comfortable ... the hardest thing for me to remember was to keep my feet on the boards ... you look pretty silly if you have your feet on the ground "holding up the trike", but, you really are silly where you run over your feet when you take off .. :AGGHH:

The Honda Big Red's [ATC] Would suck your boot off if you had your feet down and hit the gas....:gah:
Welcome from North Ga. :wave4:

It took me around 3 to 400 miles to understand what I was riding. Now it's a piece of cake and I would not go back to 2 wheels. It's so easy to ride, sometimes I take a nap while I'm riding. ( just kidding ) As far as respect, it's about the same, and remember your Trike cost more than thier 2 wheeler :laugh:

Enjoy your Trike. :pepper:
I am very interested in purchasing a new HD Tri Glide. I have ridden motorcycles for many years, but never a trike. Living in the Phoenix area, my wife would prefer the trike over motorcycle. Is it difficult to transition from 2 wheels to 3? Also, do you still get respect from other bikers? Any feed back on the Harley Davidson Tri Glide would be greatly appreciated. Thanks...

If you're like the majority of us,Greg,your only regret in buying a trike will be that it took you so long to do it.
Just be prepared for a lot of extra attention,though.

Welcome aboard!
There has been too many years between my 2 wheelers and the Tri Glide we bought a year ago to make a comparison, but I would not go back. And the wife loves it. Says she doesn't feel like she is affecting me when she moves around.
As far as respect, I still respect those who only ride on 2 wheels and hope they can move up to a real ride one day.
I've had several friends who ride fall all over themselves to check out the trike.
Also, I talked to a group before I bought mine. One new Tri Glide, 2 new Harley 2 wheelers, and about 4 others that were fairly new. All were what you would classify as what a lot of people call Harley riders---leather, tattoos, beards, doo rags, etc. The one I talked to on 2 wheels said he was proud of his new ride and his wife was proud of her new ride, but their dream was to get a trike like their buddy had.
+1 on what everyone said here. It took me a few hundred miles to get used to not leaning and really get comfortable on our trike. Now me and my other half love it and wonder why we didn't make the change sooner. :pepper:

And as far as respect, everywhere we go people want to look at it and talk about it. Everyone says, "Wow, I like that. Looks nice" ThumbUp

Thank you all for your post and encouraging comments. Hope to get the finances together to purchase the new Tri GlideThumbUp
I am very interested in purchasing a new HD Tri Glide. I have ridden motorcycles for many years, but never a trike. Living in the Phoenix area, my wife would prefer the trike over motorcycle. Is it difficult to transition from 2 wheels to 3? Also, do you still get respect from other bikers? Any feed back on the Harley Davidson Tri Glide would be greatly appreciated. Thanks...



There is a learning curve between riding a two wheeler and a trike but take it easy and all will be well and you will ride with confidence shortly.

Read the forum using the advanced search feature at the top right of the page. Just type in something like new rider advice or something and you will access everything ever written in the archives of the forum that we advise a new trike rider. We really have provided so much info on the subject you can be well educated in short order.

Most people will try to be polite and ask if you are really concerned about other bikers giving you respect riding a trike?

I wont bother, Do you really care what others think of your trike decision? :Shrug:
welcome aboard You will love it. As we love to quote that most people say after the transition" WHY DID I WAIT SO LONG " As far as respect, The hard core are slowly coming over as they to are getting older. I rode 2 wheels for 48 of my 69 years and 3 wheels the last 7. I ride about 17k miles a year. Have received very little dis-respect. When it does happen I just consider the source. I rode a HD/Champion conversion until 2013 and have rode a 2013 TRI since. Love it. Go for it.
Welcome from PA

I had not ridden for over 40 years bride said she would not ride on 2 but would on 3. Well 5 days later I brought home a triglide and we have never looked back. greatest thing we have done for ourselves yet God Bless! ThumbUp ride safely Fearless


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Welcome aboard! All good info here, I would just add a comment about the width at the rear of the trike. Stretch your arms out side to side and you will get an idea of how wide you are behind you. Keep this in mind around curbs, gas pumps, ect.

We were faced with the decision of me riding 2 wheels solo (had a 13 Switchback that I really liked) or getting something more comfortable for my wife (knee & hip issues). A 67, I did not want the extra heft of a touring bike, so rented a Tri for a half day, and ordered a new 16 last Oct. I got my riding partner back (she can stay in the seat longer than I can now). Can't wait for spring!! Good luck to you.
Welcome aboard! All good info here, I would just add a comment about the width at the rear of the trike. Stretch your arms out side to side and you will get an idea of how wide you are behind you. Keep this in mind around curbs, gas pumps, ect.

We were faced with the decision of me riding 2 wheels solo (had a 13 Switchback that I really liked) or getting something more comfortable for my wife (knee & hip issues). A 67, I did not want the extra heft of a touring bike, so rented a Tri for a half day, and ordered a new 16 last Oct. I got my riding partner back (she can stay in the seat longer than I can now). Can't wait for spring!! Good luck to you.

Yeah, exactly what he said about width! My Roadhawk came with a ropelight around the hem of the fenders.

It ain't there any more. The first week I had it, pulling out of a gas station I cut too close to a guard pipe by the pump, and wiped out about 8 inches of the rope. Was lucky, no fender damage.

So remember, watch yer six.;)

Ride safe.
I got my riding partner back (she can stay in the seat longer than I can now). Can't wait for spring!! Good luck to you.

It's a great feeling having an enthusiastic riding pardner,isn't it Jeff?
I am very interested in purchasing a new HD Tri Glide. I have ridden motorcycles for many years, but never a trike. Living in the Phoenix area, my wife would prefer the trike over motorcycle. Is it difficult to transition from 2 wheels to 3? Also, do you still get respect from other bikers? Any feed back on the Harley Davidson Tri Glide would be greatly appreciated. Thanks...


Why do you need respect from other bikers??? I suppose you think it has to be black too! Man up!
Why do you need respect from other bikers??? I suppose you think it has to be black too! Man up!

Greg about RESPECT from other Bikers. Been around them and maybe because their PRES is family. I didn't feel dissed at all. And as a matter of fact ! FRANKLY I DON'T GIVE A DAMN ! ThumbUp

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