Korean war ended....


Meme Master
Gold Member

Hope it lasts...

Thanks to our current Commander in Chief Trump for this. :clapping::clapping:
I spent 3 tours there. Worked in the Passenger Terminal at Osan. I was there in '78 when they found a huge tunnel under the DMZ. They also found a family in the next town over, Suwan, that had been murdered by North Koreans.

Not holding my breath until I see inspectors watching as they dismantle the nukes. I believe he is going to try to put one over on Trump.......not going to work.

IF, this all works out and Peace comes to the Korean Peninsula, I look forward to the major meltdown of the left when they announce Trump has won the Nobel Peace Prize....It's going to be very entertaining.:clapping::clapping:
I’m just wondering how high the cost was to the U.S. for this photo to be made....and how soon it will take for time to tell.
I don't think this could have happened under any other President. Every other seemed stuck with appeasement over and over again. BUT, I don't trust anything or anyone, except my wife, so it remains to be seen if this lasts. Trust but verify, and damned frequently.
Just bumping this up ......

Sounds like we'll be waiting awhile longer now for the "meeting"...:Shrug:

In the meantime, we still have the capability to ruin Little Rocketman's day if they were to actually try anything stupid...;)
Sounds like we'll be waiting awhile longer now for the "meeting"...:Shrug:

In the meantime, we still have the capability to ruin Little Rocketman's day if they were to actually try anything stupid...;)

They don't have to try anything, They already fooled South Korea, And the rest of the Pansies were stepping over their self falling in line......

Neville Chamberlain 1938..:whiteflag:..Peace in our time... The world found out appeasement doesn't work...