Anyone see Clint Eastwood's new movie...

I'm gonna go Sunday morning. It's not getting great reviews, but there not terrible either.
That's a movie that I really want to see........BUT probable won't....................cause: my last movie that I want to actually see in the movie theaters.... was JAWS ;)

I haven't been to a movie in years cause the management always asks me to check my trench coat at the door, And Besides if i wanted to sit next to the great unwashed i could go for a ride in the Subway...:D....Ill wait till it comes on cable....
I honestly don't know how people can pay what they want just to see a movie that may or may not be any good. I guess I got leery and stopped going given the last one I saw at a theater was the Sound Of Music with my soon to be wife. That marriage failed as well. But that was the last movie. I should have seen Jaws just to get that one out of my mind.;););) Nope, I just wait. Not a single movie worth standing in lines waiting or sitting where some tall bastard sits in front of you.
That's a movie that I really want to see........BUT probable won't....................cause: my last movie that I want to actually see in the movie theaters.... was JAWS ;)


Well, I did actually get the chance to watch the movie..... (wife won free ticket to the movie theater) I LOVE'D IT, GREAT MOVIE! I ACTUALLY RECOMMEND SEEING IT!

Now I totally have to agree that Trump should build "that wall"

I saw it a few weeks ago. It was good, but not as good as "Grand Torino".

My late husband would only go to movies that had flying, sex and shooting. Not one or the other, all 3. I used to be able to name the 5 movies we went to see. He refused to go see "Out of Africa" until we saw a trailer showing the De Havilland landing on the beach. We had already seen clips of violence, Streep and Redford in bed together, so that sealed the deal.