Nam Viet's

Missed being a Nam or Nam Era vet by 3 years, personally. Momma was thankful...


My unit (combat engineers) was the next unit to be deployed to Nam when President Johnson started withdrawing troops. I got down and kissed the ground. So Blessed not to go.

Lost my next door neighbor, I grew up with. and a couple other friends. Lost another close friend to agent orange years after he was in country.
Beer 33

WOW, haven't seen them for a lOOOOOOng time, Thank God!!!

We lost a lot of young people there with no one back in the states really caring about it.

Had never been spit on until I came home what a time it was, lost a few friends and some really close ones who I have not forgotten or stopped wearing RED and BLACK for those we lost there.

Not being there was a Blessing to you, besides that you really didn't miss anything by not being there.

LIVE FREE and RIDE SAFE my friends,

When I was there in 1970-71 it was an Asian brewed beer called Tiger Beer and I always thought it was made to taste like a Tigers piss instead of a beer.

Warm...Ie Hot Budweiser taste the same... We had a few cases of Bud dropped through the triple canopy with a resupply [;)-;)-] Half of the cans exploded hitting the ground..The rest at 100º tasted like the proverbial dish water.. :(...But it was a nice gesture from our resupply clerk back at 3 Tango........