Bike to Trike Title

Jun 9, 2011
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romulus ny,usa
I am looking at a used trike for sale in NY state.The owner said he bought it in Ohio and the title was change to Rebuilt,because it was altered from a bike to a trike.NY says they had to title it as salvaged because NY dosn't have a rebuild classification.Can anyone shed some light on this.
WALK AWAY FROM IT. Rebuilt on an Ohio title is because the vehicle was rebuilt from salvage. It was a totaled vehicle, converting it to a trike had nothing to do with it. Any resale you will have will go down the dumper with the salvaged title.

If it is REALLY cheap, and you don't care about eventual resale, or what may fall off of it, then do it. I WOULDN'T
thanks,The guy that owns it, had it for several years with no problems.He is also a member of another bike orginization that i belong to.I believe he is on the up and up.i don't think he was aware of the issue with the title when he bought it.
Good Luck! I'd be very suspicious, that pile of crap he handed you about the salvaged title would scare me away. I wouldn't give him anything more than 50% of wholesale book for it. If he would tell you that the salvaged title is because of the trike conversion, I'm sure he would tell you "It runs GREAT"

good luck!
I am looking at a used trike for sale in NY state.The owner said he bought it in Ohio and the title was change to Rebuilt,because it was altered from a bike to a trike.NY says they had to title it as salvaged because NY dosn't have a rebuild classification.Can anyone shed some light on this.

Steamer, I live in Ohio...... I rode the FatBoy for six years before adding the trike kit. The title was not required to be changed at all when it was triked. Ohio considers the kit an extra option added to the bike (like adding a windshield, etc.). Even our insurance simply added the value of about a $12,000.00 accessory to the motorcycle value. I agree with Screwball --- I wouldn't want to mess with a salvage title.
One thing not mentioned is that most insurance companies will not isure a salvaged titled vehicle. What a salvaged title means is that it has had more than a certain % of the vehicle replaced that it is considered to have been a total lose then re-built. The real issue is it cheap enough that it is worth while.
What is your age? If you are retired and are looking to a few years of triking on only one trike, what difference does it make what the title says, you will have had the pleasure of riding it as long as you did. So, you eventually give up riding, just sell the trike for what it brings. That's how I see it, ride, be free, enjoy life.
A salvage title simply means that an insurance company has paid a total claim on that vehicle. It could have been stolen and later recovered with no damage and it would still be issued a salvage title. Thats the way it is in Nebraska at least.
NY just treats trikes as bikes with an accessory. They are still registered as bikes. You may want to check with your insurance company first to see if they would insure it and for how much.
I said in MY OPINION I would walk away. Remember, the seller was handing out the line that the trike had a REBUILT title because of the conversion. Vehicles with a SALVAGED title are hard to sell and hard to insure. If it is cheap enough, and you know the guy that owns it, go for it. If he is trying to sell it for 'normal' prices, WALK AWAY!
Interesting. Why would you have to do anything with the title when you convert to a trike. It's still a motorcycle, all you've done is add a wheel. In Texas a trike is still a motorcycle.
Settle all arguments really quick here . You want the answer call the DMV and ask and then call your insurance and ask. If u get the answers you can live with and the $$$$$ is good ( BTW What is the trike and how much is it) GO FOR IT:wtg:
HECK every state is different. In some states you can build a car out of plywood a bathtub for a body & have a lawn mower motor and reg it. One state I know of will reg. a car with just a picture and a copy of the title mailed to them .
Thanks for all your input. I purchased a 99 royal star venture with motor trike,out of Oklahoma for less $$ and clean title.
Thanks for all your input. I purchased a 99 royal star venture with motor trike,out of Oklahoma for less $$ and clean title.

You will love that, and you won't have all the possible legal complications of the other one! Congratulations :)