Sunny Day Turns Dangerous

This afternoon Dwayne and I headed out to shoot some video...


It was sunny and 90*, great riding!


We found a shady spot under a big tree and shot two different videos (both will be out within a week or so).


As we left it was sprinkling-


Soon after we split up-he headed home and I headed to the shop- the bottom dropped out. Temps dropped 15 degrees, wind was blowing, rain was coming down so hard we could barely see, and worst...there was lightning all around!

No was all I could do to get the 15 miles to the shop.

After an hour it let up to just a steady rain, I headed on home.

You can see the ceramic coating is beading up well. This has not ever been waxed, and it has not been washed in months.


My jeans are not dark blue...they are completely soaked!


I don't mind the rain when it is warm, although I prefer it is not so heavy that I can't see well. What I don't like is lightning and wind so strong that it can break the branches out of the trees I'm riding under!

But we both made it home safe! :)

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Yeah it kinda snuck up on us up here also but not quite as bad as you got in down your way. Glad you made it home safe and sound. I too do not like lightning. Bad juju for sure.
Guessing cast off from Cristobal. I've always felt summer storms were the worst ... at least in the spring, fall and especially winter, you kind of expect stuff to happen and prepare for it.
Glad you all made it back ok, those pop up storms can be dangerous. I’m very interested in the ceramic coating, do you have a video when you applied it, I believe that’s something I want to do. Everyone be safe out there, think it might be a good day to ride in East Tennessee today.
We will see a lot of early storms this summer. While everyone in the NE and SE loved the warm winter , the waters never got cold. Warm water = hurricanes, tropical depressions, and just plain nasty pop up T— Storms.
Glad you are ok, hate driving in stuff like that. I remember one year at Sturgis our group was riding to hill city and got caught in the rain and then small hail, we all scattered to different points to get out of the hail, first time for me in hail, don't care to do that again and it was small, hate to be in a bigger hail, chances we take while riding I guess.

All for now Trampas
Glad you all made it back ok, those pop up storms can be dangerous. I’m very interested in the ceramic coating, do you have a video when you applied it, I believe that’s something I want to do. Everyone be safe out there, think it might be a good day to ride in East Tennessee today.

Thanks, yeah, that one took us by surprise!

Here's a vid on the ceramic coating-

Since getting on a TG and giving up 2 wheels there have been numerous times we were caught up in weather related issues and I was certainly glad I had made the switch.

Glad you made it home safely Kevin.
Since getting on a TG and giving up 2 wheels there have been numerous times we were caught up in weather related issues and I was certainly glad I had made the switch.

Glad you made it home safely Kevin.

Thanks. Yes, no doubt the 3 wheels are superior to 2 in situations like yesterday. Dwayne was much less a happy camper riding thru it on his Deluxe.

I am glad y'all are OK. These pop up storms come on right quick here in the South. I will ride in the rain if I have to, but the lightning, that is a whole other story. It scares the hell out of me.
Thanks, yeah, that one took us by surprise!

Here's a vid on the ceramic coating-


McKey's is good stuff ... I did the ceramic about 14 or 15 months ago ... all I've done since is the wand wash ... soap up, spot free rinses ... still looks good, still beads water ... bugs don't stick ... less cleaning, more riding :D