Maggie Valley 2021 Info & Signup Page

Our trip to Maggie Valley and points further East is now in jeopardy. Last November the wife had some major back surgery and now she is having mobility issues. This past Thursday night she fell in the shower and had to call 911 and the paramedics came to get her up from the floor. Went to the emergency room for observation Stayed there for about 6 hours, was sent home and now has trouble standing. once up can move around using a mobility cart. Will have to wait and see what the next couple of weeks bring. Trying to see her primary care doc. tomorrow.
Our trip to Maggie Valley and points further East is now in jeopardy. Last November the wife had some major back surgery and now she is having mobility issues. This past Thursday night she fell in the shower and had to call 911 and the paramedics came to get her up from the floor. Went to the emergency room for observation Stayed there for about 6 hours, was sent home and now has trouble standing. once up can move around using a mobility cart. Will have to wait and see what the next couple of weeks bring. Trying to see her primary care doc. tomorrow.

Ray, I am so sorry. Your wife is in my prayers.
Our trip to Maggie Valley and points further East is now in jeopardy. Last November the wife had some major back surgery and now she is having mobility issues. This past Thursday night she fell in the shower and had to call 911 and the paramedics came to get her up from the floor. Went to the emergency room for observation Stayed there for about 6 hours, was sent home and now has trouble standing. once up can move around using a mobility cart. Will have to wait and see what the next couple of weeks bring. Trying to see her primary care doc. tomorrow.

Sorry to hear this Ray, Best wishes & Prayers for speedy recovery for the wife. Was looking forward to seeing you again.
Sorry to hear this Ray, was hoping to meet you in MV. You take care of the Misses and see how it goes in a couple of weeks.
Ray, I am sorry to hear the news about your wife, Sue. She and you will be our prayers. Hopefully a couple weeks will turn things around and you all can still make MV.
Well, it appears that this is the season for (maybe?) bad news. My wife of 51+ years had a bad result from her last mammogram and had some biopsy work performed. Good news is that they don't believe it is cancerous. We go in for a pre-surgery consultation on the 26th of August. I have not cancelled my room as of yet but I am not more than 25% confident that I will be able to make it again this year. I will keep you informed as we go. It just depends on what the surgeon says for sure. Schedule couldn't be worse as far as Maggie get together is concerned. Wish us luck!

From a real Maggie Valley wanna be,

TwoBye (Brad)
Brad, we will keep your wife and you in our prayers... hope you can still make it to Maggie.
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Brad, you take care of the Misses first, MV will probably be there again next year. Give her our best, Jo Ann went through that last year and is doing great.
Brad, you take care of the Misses first, MV will probably be there again next year. Give her our best, Jo Ann went through that last year and is doing great.

Thanks for those words. It means a lot more than you know about now. :(

I know there's a cadre of the MV faithful that can't figure out why I don't have an entry on the attendee data base. Problem solved! The bike has undergone all its needed service and suffered thru the required "Ed Mods." Therefore I have deemed it ready to ride as soon as I get the new seat installed, tomorrow! :Trike1:

End result; I have reservations for my son, Ric and I. Ric and his 2 wheeler will stand out in the crowd. He's almost ready to graduate to a trike but not quite yet.

Wife & I can't wait to meet everyone from Last Year (Our 1st Trip);

And All the others we will meet for the 1st Time.

The #'s keep Rising!!

Speaking of things Rising;

We hear there is alot of Flooding going on in the Area;

I know there are some there camping Hope yall are OK & haven't Washed away..