Recent content by Zar

  1. Zar

    VW trike hydraulic clutch problems

    I do have a couple of questions for you guys... do you think that with this fans, I will need a more powerful alternator? the only one that I could find was a Porsche 914 alternator- would I be able to use this in my...
  2. Zar

    VW trike hydraulic clutch problems

    this is how it looks under the hood, the fan points straight down in to the block.
  3. Zar

    VW trike hydraulic clutch problems

    Hello trike folk, here I am again... after I got the pedals all done, I started to look in to the cooling system, and took a look at the add that Rex / deathbysnusnu -posted here for me, and the gentleman did have all the tins I need, but he is asking $600 for it, and I can't do that at the...
  4. Zar

    VW trike hydraulic clutch problems

    Got some more work done on y pedal, so here are some pics of the process... and I should be done with this job this Monday, so I will post more pictures then. I also ended up moving the battery box, so that it would not get in the way of the air flow to the right head. I looked at the tins that...
  5. Zar

    VW trike hydraulic clutch problems

    Hey guys, thank you very much for all the help! I finally got to do more work on the pedals... made them much longer, and of course, it took much more work than I anticipated. I decided to use much of the original parts and also some awesome scrap metal I found in the woods a few years ago. as...
  6. Zar

    VW trike hydraulic clutch problems

    Here is what it looks like at the moment, I will be using the hood from a 1949 Chevy, so there will be a lot of space for air to flow,--- I know it's on the back of the trike...but it covers the engine... so it's a hood . Right? - I'll call it that- So the hood will come right to the...
  7. Zar

    VW trike hydraulic clutch problems

    Code number EA015562
  8. Zar

    VW trike hydraulic clutch problems

    I push the pedal. the slave cyl puls the throw arm until it touches the P.P fingers. the pedal also stops moving. if i adjust the slave, and take it all the way, till it hits the finger , the pedal and slave won't move. no mater how i adjust the slave... it will always go to the same point(...
  9. Zar

    VW trike hydraulic clutch problems

    Lever lengths? Full retract/ push rod slack? My pedals ( I built ) presses the M.C. all the way in, and lets it go back all the way... and I think are straight .
  10. Zar

    VW trike hydraulic clutch problems

    The pedal stops where the Slave stops. and I changed the slave cyl, because I thought it was bad.. but it wasn't leaking. -I don't see any fluid leaks by the M.C. or anywhere in the system. I also don't see a significant l change on the level of fluid on the M.C. so maybe I need more fluid...
  11. Zar

    VW trike hydraulic clutch problems

    hello Trike Talk people... first of all, thank you for letting me join this forum, I hope I will be able to be of help from time to time. ~ I am currently building a VW powered monster of a trike, and I'm in the semifinals, but the conversion to a hydraulic clutch system is where i hit the...