Question on EBS


1000+ Posts
I have ran a pill bottle all of last year in the air box for the EBS, this year as of yesterday I have now run it on the outside of the air box, ran hose down by side the cam cover and down past the frame. When hooking up the filter I see it is past the frame and and you can see if you bend over to look. So what I did was added another straight barb fitting with more hose and zip it to the frame so it level with the frame.

My question is leave it level with the frame or let it hang down below the frame???? With it level with the frame will the excess oil or gasses be able to reach the filter, I know with the pill bottle I used last year I filled the bottle to almost half, was surprised about this but was happy none of it went onto the top of my pistons.

All for now Trampas

P.S. Happy Mother's day to all mother's out there and have a good day