2002 roadhawk value

john when you are dealing with something that is some what unique and 17 yrs old its what a person is willing to pay. that being said i feel around 5k just my guess

john when you are dealing with something that is some what unique and 17 yrs old its what a person is willing to pay. that being said i feel around 5k just my guess

These VW Trikes made by The Trike Shop, now Roadsmith, can sell for $15,000 or More depending on Condition, size of motor 2333cc in the big one. Also the paint job and just overall condition. Do Not Sell without advertising so You can get all the money.
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If I do sell it I will definitely check around. I gave 12,000 for it 3 years ago. Maybe a hair to much but it was what I would say excellent shape. A guy had bought it for his wife. Had completely gone through it and checked everything. It is a standard and she didn't like it. I kind of have the motorcycle fever again but maybe it will pass over. I will probably have to fight with my wife though. She likes the trike.