2019 114" Breather ?

Anyone know if the breather in the 2019 is different than in the 2017, Reason for asking is I removed my Air Cleaner to vent the breathers to ground ,while having the filter and stock rubber breathers off while running there is hardly any air coming out of the breather bolts unlike my 2017 107 . The 2017 you could feel a pulse of air in each head, This 2019 is very weak with no pulse at all, did check for obstruction in the heads and breather bolts but nothing I could see. Was wondering if anyone else has noticed it. Thanks Doc
Anyone know if the breather in the 2019 is different than in the 2017, Reason for asking is I removed my Air Cleaner to vent the breathers to ground ,while having the filter and stock rubber breathers off while running there is hardly any air coming out of the breather bolts unlike my 2017 107 . The 2017 you could feel a pulse of air in each head, This 2019 is very weak with no pulse at all, did check for obstruction in the heads and breather bolts but nothing I could see. Was wondering if anyone else has noticed it. Thanks Doc

We've done a study (Report with all the numbers coming sometime in December) and the M8 pushes about 50% less air thru the breather bolts than the Twin Cams.

During the same time, M8's push 0.125326 cubic feet of air thru the breathers, a Twin Cam pushes 0.254829 cubic feet of air. So, yes, what you observed is consistent with our testing.

Oh, and the M8 does pulse, just much weaker than the Twin Cam. Part of our report is a video, visually showing the movement of air.

Thank you very much, Had me wondering if I got bad motor, with only 28 miles on the bike I was surprised to see so little air out of the breathers. I cannot feel the pulse so I will do a toilet paper test to see if I can see it move. Thanks Again Doc
OK TP test failed as to move the TP not at all noticeable I can feel warm air and very little at that no signs of a pulse at all, No obstruction anywhere I can see so on the 2019 Tri Glide I see almost no air coming out at the breather bolts or holes. So this is normal ? My 2017 had the pulse. Thanks Doc
OK TP test failed as to move the TP not at all noticeable I can feel warm air and very little at that no signs of a pulse at all, No obstruction anywhere I can see so on the 2019 Tri Glide I see almost no air coming out at the breather bolts or holes. So this is normal ? My 2017 had the pulse. Thanks Doc

I would forget the tests, it has to breathe.

Install the external breather, you will be glad you did!:cool:
OK TP test failed as to move the TP not at all noticeable I can feel warm air and very little at that no signs of a pulse at all, No obstruction anywhere I can see so on the 2019 Tri Glide I see almost no air coming out at the breather bolts or holes. So this is normal ? My 2017 had the pulse. Thanks Doc

Get some balloons and put them over the end of the tubes. You will see the air fill the balloons up (very slowly). What is surprising is that at an idle and decel (after revving) they push more air than when revving.

In one minutes time of idling, you should see the balloons fill up with enough air to displace 100-120 ounces of fluid.

Or you could do it for 15 seconds and look for around 30 ounce displacement.

Can you post pictures of install expecting to get my 2019 early spring thanks all info is great(Smile)

There are a bunch of photos of External Breather Systems at this LINK.

Here is a Report with some info on why an EBS is important. LINK

Here's a photo of just one of the many choices in EBS-


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Get some balloons and put them over the end of the tubes. You will see the air fill the balloons up (very slowly). What is surprising is that at an idle and decel (after revving) they push more air than when revving.

In one minutes time of idling, you should see the balloons fill up with enough air to displace 100-120 ounces of fluid.

Or you could do it for 15 seconds and look for around 30 ounce displacement.


Just to be clear Kevin are you testing a 2019 wet head ? Thanks Doc
Just to be clear Kevin are you testing a 2019 wet head ? Thanks Doc

Yes, we've tested the M8 Wet heads, the M8 non wet heads, the Twin Cam air and wet heads and the Sportys. Very interesting! HD has done a better job of equalizing the crankcase pressure on the M8's than the Twin Cams, so there is less air being pushed out the breathers. What was really surprising is that the OLD technology on the Sportster Evolution engines pushed even less air.

Of course all of this varies a bit, bike to bike, depending on wear, oil pump, how out of round the crankshaft is, etc.

Found out that my 2019 breather is perfectly normal to have very little air out the breathers Less air better ring seal, which is all good. Thanks for the help Doc I did get to test this on another 2019 bike also same as mine.
My 2017 were about the same as the Twin cam in the Video with a pulse, The 2019 M-8 has way less breather air as your video shows, I feel a lot better seeing this video. Thanks for your time and work.