2020 trip for Lola & Us

Interested to know your experience with motels and diners on the road. This time of year I usually do a road trip but, so far, the virus has me staying home. Have you had any problems.....? Jim

No problems . More "take out or delivery" meals. The nicer hotels are doing the right thing. The cheaper ,not so much. Masks required most places.

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Last post for this trip. We are eastbound on 12 . Helena tonite. https://www.google.com/search?sourc...qAhVkIjQIHSJtBQkQ7Al6BAgKECo&biw=1280&bih=611

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My brother in Oklahoma is on a mandatory 14 day quarantine. At least he is at home and hopefully stays healthy.

Sorry to hear Lola. We have seen many bikes this trip. No problems.Some large groups traveling the state routes like us.Lazy day today, 2 nites just to relax a day. Should be home Thurs.
Well you might know last day of the trip. We rode 400 miles in the rain to get home. Thought about a motel a couple times when it was raining so hard we had to stop, but it finally settled down to shower we could see in to ride & just kept going. Had a good trip over 5300 miles & a chance meeting with a fellow TrikeTalk couple on top of LOLO Pass. Saw many riders traveling the opposite direction. Was a good ride, now need to figure "where else" can we go later this summer. :confused::clapping: