69 Square back Trike to be...

Hell-o all!!
well we have just bought our first trike and now i want to build two trikes...hummmmm kinda getting carried away,,lol

i have bought a 69 squareback and want to make a trike out of it for my wife. cut it at the doors and leave the top.. etc...

Second is just a rat rod out of a 67 bug chop that i picked up..

I have the tranaxel for both of them and also engines that i picked up this past weekend. Now i have most of the main things. except the frontends.... i havent a clue how or where to start... i have rode bike all my life but really havent worked on the frame stuff. i have searched the sites on frontends and seems like the easiest would be to buy one and install it. well that brings up a whole new can of worms. i know how i want to build everything but the attaching the tube to the frame and so on....
PLEASE lead me in the right direction......i want to have a step by step picture for eveyone here to see so someone else can do it also in a 5th Grader mentality.
Thanks in advance!!!!!!!!!!!!
It might help to know where ya live so someone near by could lend you the help needed.
I know I could be of help if near enough as well as others here too.
Hey Wyldeman! Welcome aboard :D. We've got a bunch of great mechanics on here, so you are sure to get some excellent input. Be sure to keep us updated on your progress with these great projects!
are you going to use the torsion out of the squareback or are you going to use the rear of the squarebacK and add the frame to the torsion,
the reason i am asking is the motor and trannie in a squareback are mounted to the body to suspend the motor and trannie,
if you remove it from the body, then it will not mount as a regular vw motor and trannie will,
also on attaching the frame to the squareback torsion is a lot different than a regular vw torsion, the regular vw torsion is a type 1 torsion and the squareback torsion is a type 3 torsion, 2 different torsions, and to mate a frame to a type 3 torsion can be real tricky to do unless you have done it before and i hope you are a real good welder to do so,
not trying to be a smart a-- here, done lot of them and can be a pain to do.
good luck,
WOW THANKS for all the quick replys!!!!!!!

OK I live in good ole East Texas.....
Ok im in the process of uploading pics to the site..
Red what i was hoping to do is just cut the SB at the doors and do a lil floor work and then after cutting i was going to add what ever i need to extend it for a seat and front-end. I have been searching and searching for different specs and there just isin't any out there...It seems to me its all in " Lets try this"
Well this will be my first bikes and with knowledge from others i hope to build a safe and sturdy and quite nice looking trike. the SB ( Square-back) i want to leave the tranny and motor( which is gone ) intact. and leave redo the interior. the windows will need to be able to poop out because of wind drag ( i assume ) i want to leave the front of the SB open so someone could get in on either side ( to the back seat ) Leave the back intact so i could set stuff in the back area ( on top of the motor area ) i want to be able to use the auto tranny that is in it and be able to find all the adapters and motor stuff to put the pancake back in it. i have several engines ( dual port 1600 )
This is a project that will take 8 to 10 months HOPEFULLY .....LOL
My other bike will be a small two seater with a trailer hitch ( more of a rat bike ) but with style. I have what i want in mind just need to apply it to paper.

Im not going to say i know anything but i am WILLING to learn. Im 51 and havent got threw life on my own...i have had help....so hopefully with ALL the people here i will be able to be apart of this web site and be a help in one way or another....i come as green as they come....lol

That is why i was asking about attaching the front-end. I want to go ahead and buy a DNA front-end but i hesitate for some reason. For one reason is i havent the first clue on how to or what to attach the tube with ...so i could put the front-end on..... so i will await and listen and trade thoughts back and forth.
Thanks for the warm Welcome !!!!
I wish you luck with what you want to do, word of advive only a pancale motor will fit into the s1uareback if you wish to use the enhine lid, there is a brace that attaches to the rear of the motor on a pancake and that in turn attaches to the car frame with rubber mounts, but the frame that attaches to the pancake motor is behind the fan pulley to the motor[and all that has to come off to put it back on, and it is so much fun to do, lol
if you can send me a pm and let me know what all you need, i probably have it around my shop on the floor near the trash bin and i could send it to you,
the best thing for you to do is get you a owners manual for that year or a 1969 fastback, same setup as a squareback and has pics of what you need,
good luck with your build, as far as attaching the frame to the torsion, be very careful in how you do it, there is a lot of weight there, i will and can help you if you need it, if not, i will back off and let you play and learn,grinn
have a great one,
welcome aboard wyldeman. glad you found us. Sounds like quite the project you have in mind. Good luck on the build.
Welcome Wyldeman looks like you got a good start on your project keep us informed on how its going and pics. Good luck
Thanks ALL
I have just up loaded a few pics of Square-Back.
the Motor area. I will be looking for a fuel injected motor looks like. The last owner took the motor out to put in a bug. i was hoping that i could just get the brackets for one of my blocks and use one of my motors.