A/C shut off

well I now have the A/C working but using it for what I do , the first time using it about a 1/3 of the way thur the parade the fan blower shut off once moving again it started working again till I stop again and it repeated again temp way not even half way , I can understand if it was getting hot and the compressor shut off but the fan blower ? even if it was blowing hot air !
it is NOT a SHORT, if it was a fuse would have blown.
it is an OPEN, if a fuse blows it is an OPEN, a good fuse is a SHORT.
don't know the answer but if the compressor shuts off the fan may shut off?
long time ago I was riding in 100+ degree temps, if I started up a hill the temp would start to clime so I would shut off the AC and the temp would go back down, when I was no longer climbing I would turn the AC back on. the cooling system (radiator) could be larger and take care of that.