A Day in the Life...

Nice picture! I was in your area a couple of weeks ago,we delivered some cars to a dealer in Senatobia! I work for a auto auction and we deliver to dealers in Fulton & Senatobia from time to time. I always look forward to coming to N.Miss. their are some nice roads there. Gonna be cold in W.Ky this week too,but supposed to be 60 by wknd. Come on Spring 👍

I appears you folks are in the early stages of Spring. Currently it's -1*, wind chill -21*. But this is going to be warm according to the weather person..... next few days somewhere of -21*, wind chill -51*. I would almost bet it is warmer in Alaska.;) Have fun and stay warm. DJ
Nice picture! I was in your area a couple of weeks ago,we delivered some cars to a dealer in Senatobia! I work for a auto auction and we deliver to dealers in Fulton & Senatobia from time to time. I always look forward to coming to N.Miss. their are some nice roads there. Gonna be cold in W.Ky this week too,but supposed to be 60 by wknd. Come on Spring 👍

Yep, we're a 40 minute ride from Senatobia! Like you said, lots of nice roads between the 55 and 78. Stop by if you ever get a chance, would be great to meet you.

The weather guessers were right, it has been a nice weekend, but they're saying it's going to dip down to below freezing again soon.

I appears you folks are in the early stages of Spring. Currently it's -1*, wind chill -21*. But this is going to be warm according to the weather person..... next few days somewhere of -21*, wind chill -51*. I would almost bet it is warmer in Alaska.;) Have fun and stay warm. DJ

That's some crazy cold you're having! :xzqxz:

Yesterday was sunny and a warm 65 degrees, much better than the relative cold we've been having here.

I had some errands to run and decided to take the Softail for its' first ride since giving it a ceramic coating. See thread on the ceramic coating HERE.

Ended up riding a couple hundred miles of secondary roads, great day!

First place I went was to Collierville Bumpus HD. I needed a little trim piece and thought they might have it in stock. WOW, when I got there they were having some sort of shin-dig and there were hundreds of bikes and probably close to 1000 folks there. Live music, radio station etc.

These couple of pics don't come near capturing the crowd that was there.



I just realized, as I was typing this, that they were giving away a bike that had a bunch of our parts on it....I knew it was coming up, but did not put it together that it was yesterday until just now.

Here's a photo of it....DK tank lift, coil/key relo, some lights...


Wish I would have looked around for it!

Anyways...they did not have the part I was looking for, so off I went, thoroughly enjoying the very circuitous route I took that eventually landed me back home.

Here are a couple of photo's I took...


...a couple miles before getting back home.


A great afternoon riding!

Not complaining at all!* It is 68* right now, was a nice ride in today.* The next two days are forecast to be 71* and 70*.* :)

But this is normally are 2nd coolest month of the year!**

These two videos are more typical of this time of year.

Not complaining at all!* It is 68* right now, was a nice ride in today.* The next two days are forecast to be 71* and 70*.* :)

But this is normally are 2nd coolest month of the year!**

These two videos are more typical of this time of year.


Yeah I'm thinking we should be afraid. . . very afraid! This warm weather this time of year is way scary - enjoyable but scary. Four years ago next week is when our adult daughter slipped on the ice and broke her ankle. Snow isn't so bad but the ice is what I hate. Hoping we'll sneak by the rest of this winter without any for sure.
The local weather geeks are pissed, they have no drama to report. A local station told me what happened last week. Who gives a rats ass about last week !!! ☎️
The local weather geeks are pissed, they have no drama to report. A local station told me what happened last week. Who gives a rats ass about last week !!! ☎️

Frank....Forget the local weather station.....Switch over to the Spanish weather station.

You might not know what their saying ...But who cares the? Weather Girls will keep you entertained ..:shock:..:D
Yeah, best to ignore the weather guessers!

In the 9 days since my last post we've had weather ranging from the low 20's to the mid 60's.

This is the third day in a row that I've been able to ride to work without getting wet or too cold! :D

And it's 60 something right now! :) So prolly going to take the long way home this afternoon!

Not sure if I mentioned it in this thread previously...I've done an experiment with my Softail. Ceramic Coated the tins. Full thread on the coating procedure at this LINK.

btw, we're still having yo-yo weather. Day before yesterday was perfect 65-70 degree riding weather. Yesterday was light rain and 39 degrees....And foggy. Took this photo on the ride home.


Yesterday was the first day I've ridden it in the rain since doing the ceramic coating. Here are a few pics from when I got home. Water is beading up nicely.



I hope the cold is gone!

Was a great ride in this morning...50 degrees and sprinkling. It's warmed up to low 60's & dry. Gonna be a long, fun ride home this evening. :)

On another note- ParrotHead (he rides a lot, including Iron Butts...has 220,000 miles on his Sportster) stopped by yesterday afternoon. We looked around the shop, talked bikes, riding and more. Before we knew it 2.5 hour had passed.

Good People!

Weather has finally taken a turn...was mid 50's this morning on the way in.* Great sunny morning!* :)


I don't think we're going to have anymore freezing days for a lot of months!
