A Trike is Born!


Contributing Member
Drum roll please! Here she is, with Zook and Juju!

Let the trike riding BEGIN!!!
Wow how great it is... I know U must be one Happy Lady on that beautiful trike.... Great Job Zook, looks like ur team did great.

Ok now get out and practice in that beautiful Florida weather.

Ride Safe and enjoy.
Juju it's 1 am Wednesday morning as I'm looking at the site and I bet your still looking at your baby. Congrats be happy and enjoy. Zook great job.

Ted and MJ
7 a.m. here on the Gulf coast, and I just went out and checked on her. She passed the night well in her new home. And yes, I resisted the temptation to sleep with her, but only just.

Zook and Marge and company did ONE TERRIFIC JOB! Can't thank you guys enough! :wtg:
JUJU, U better start planning now. Nana has a heated and air conditioned space she keeps her trike...... Now we don't want any less for urs :D
and U see how happy Nana's trike is.
congratulations juju now go jump on the seat start her up hit the gas throttle and ride into the sunset. ride safe and enjoy.
Congrats Juju, very nice bike. I bet you will be riding as soon as the fog clears this morning. Be careful. Bryan:D
Fantastic:cool: Who's the auld guy to your left?:D Only Kiddin' Zook. Oh and by the way you say Aluminium wrongly:p
Just started raining here hope you have a better day Judy . mine is still tucked in for another week or 2 or :rolleyes:3 o r4
Well Juju, if you take enough time from riding to check back in, I am curious as to how many miles you have put on it so far and when is the dental appointment for bug removal. Enjoy!! :D
Man....JuJu now has her trike and is too busy having way too much fun to check in with us.. We see how your are;)

Seriously, we are waiting with baited breath to hear about your day. It was beautiful here today and Pony and I had a great time. But, we had salt on the roads from last week's storm and it sure made a mess.
Man....JuJu now has her trike and is too busy having way too much fun to check in with us.. We see how your are;)
Yep, gotta confess--it's been a beautiful day and my shiny new best friend and I have been running the roads! Got home a while ago and :groan: oh yeah--TRIKE TALK!

You're all being so patient with me.:D

I didn't actually get on the trike until this afternoon--irritating errands all morning--so of course I felt obligated to make up for lost time. Since the Chief still has his broken finger wrapped up and cannot ride yet, and my girlfriend I had lined up ended up being on call today, it was just me and....whatshername (no name yet :eek:). But we were OK with that. Didn't go far from home, but found some of the least straight and least flat roads around here--not easy--this IS Florida, you know--and had a lovely few hours getting to know each other better.

Every time I look at her I break out in the biggest grin. I look just like this: :D
What a great ride!

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