ABS Plastic

Can it be repaired?? Discovered a rather large crack in the trunk lid on the GW,and dont even wanna think about what a new trunk lid would set us back:(
Most cracks in the trunk lids come from improper closing, or from overlaoding the luggage rack.
Can it be fixed???
I would check with a shop or person who works on Corvetts, they would atleast have knowledge if it can be repaired...
Might also look on E=bay to see if U can find one....
Good luck
Can it be repaired?? Discovered a rather large crack in the trunk lid on the GW,and dont even wanna think about what a new trunk lid would set us back:(

I've heard of folks repairing it with some type of epoxy. However, many folks mistake it for fiberglass and try to do a fiberglass repair on it.
Can it be repaired?? Discovered a rather large crack in the trunk lid on the GW,and dont even wanna think about what a new trunk lid would set us back:(

You might try a place that repairs Jet Ski's. My neighbor here does and he can repair anything that's some type of Plastic.
You can have it plastic welded. Also if it's in a spot that is'nt too noticeable, I've drilled a micro size hole so the crack don't travel further.... start with the drill & a little pinstriping and see what happens from there, cause once you go the plastic weld route you''ll have to do some painting also....
You can have it plastic welded. Also if it's in a spot that is'nt too noticeable, I've drilled a micro size hole so the crack don't travel further.... start with the drill & a little pinstriping and see what happens from there, cause once you go the plastic weld route you''ll have to do some painting also....

Yep, most really good Automotive Body Shops can do this now (...how They repair small cracks on ABS bumpers).....works pretty well in low stress places.....:wtg:
Most automotive stores handle a product xalled "plastic weld" . The stuff is great--
I put a susuki fender back together with it that shattered into many small pieces
I checked on E=bay and there are several listed. So see which one is better to fix or replace. Good luck and keep us informed on how it goes....
Remember I welded my side cover back together . Only thing is that it does not get the abuse a trunk lid gets.
the Suzuki front fender i did was in at least 25 pieces , probably more, my wife likes doing jig saw puzzles. it worked great-------i made a fiberglass mold from it so i would be ready to make a new one in case i ever needed one---never used the mold. (05 susuki c-50 in case anyone ever needs a fender
Thanks for all the input ya'll. I have already removed the luggage rack,and will see if the auto parts store carries the plastic weld.:)
You might try some black ABS cement and sheet of fiberglass.

Had some cracks from the package rack on the GW1500. Picked up a 3'x3' sheet of fiberglass and a can of black ABS cement at Lowe's. (The tupperware on the 1500 is ABS - same on the 1800? Beats me.)Drilled a very small hole at the end of the crack for stress relief and glued the cacks from the inside. After gluing the cracks, filling in the holes with the ABS cement (the black stuff has a solvent with ABS plastic dissolved in it) and touching up the paint I painted the inside of the trunk with a good layer of the cement. I then pressed a layer of fiberglass into the cement. If all the fiberglass didn't turn black I brushed a little more cement on It. This is just like laying on fiberglass with ABS cement instead of epoxy. I built up the inside of the lid about 1/8", took a few layers of the glass mat. That thing is a lot stronger now, and I have no worries more cracking or using the trunk rack. Fixed a buddy's black 1500 trunk that had a crack along the ridge just above the side light. Can't even tell it's been cracekd. We did the other side and beefed up the trunk just for insurance, haven't had any more troubles.

A few precautions - you are dealing with solvent- wear gloves, use a brush you plan to throw away for spreading the cementworing the fiberglass. Make sure there is plenty of fresh air. Don't rush, but the stuff sets up pretty quick, so plan out the job and cut the matting in advance.
You might try some black ABS cement and sheet of fiberglass.

<snip> .... After gluing the cracks, filling in the holes with the ABS cement (the black stuff has a solvent with ABS plastic dissolved in it) and touching up the paint I painted the inside of the trunk with a good layer of the cement. I then pressed a layer of fiberglass into the cement. If all the fiberglass didn't turn black I brushed a little more cement on It. This is just like laying on fiberglass with ABS cement instead of epoxy. .... </snip>

Well said, Ozarkryder! I've done the exact same thing several times using in my case, moisture cured POR-15 primers. Those build ups & repairs have now lasted 11 years of daily driving in my 1974 VW Thing.

Bob Witte
The Trinity Trike
I use the star washers under the luggage rack . I have never had one crack yet.On one of my previous bikes, a prong onthe side cover broke off . I used the black abs glueon it after the primer . It never broke off,
I repaired a front fender with a putty I bought in an auto parts.

Its siumilar to magic putty but 100X stronger. I used it as a temp fix and it held up great. I still have the fender. I rode with the fix for about 2-years then replaced it. I found a color matched one cheaper then painting the repaired one.

I've seen the putty in many auto parts stores.
