Add Michael (MDO) to our prayers

Update ...

Now we are hoping for Thursday for my cardiac valve surgery .

They are very busy here. The cardiac floor is full & patients are waiting to get in.

I am happy with my care here.:D

Tell those doctors to stop fooling around, you have alot of riding to catch up on;)
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They have started my pre-operation protocols. I am 2nd in line on Thursday & the cardiac surgeons said mid morning to early afternoon for a start time. I am on day 14 in the hospital & going stir crazy.

Thanks to all for your well wishes & positive thoughts, they are appreciated.
Hope all goes well, our prayers sent your way for a successful procedure and speedy recovery.
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I had my surgery Thursday afternoon & have been recovering since. I'm Pretty sore, but trying to move around. I had several xrays & EKG's & the new valive is working well.:cool:

I'm hoping 2-3 days to leave.

That is GREAT news:clapping:
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Good to hear this Michael, just take it easy while you're healing...y'a don't need any setbacks. Soon you'll be full throttle and ready to run :Dorag:
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Glad all is good. I'm still rehabbing from my second heart surgery this past Aug. It takes time .......... Lots of time, so don't push it. Trust me, I don't ever want to go through it again. Ever ! There are still times when I feel like I've been body slammed in my chest cavity. :gah:
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Awesome news Michael! Take it easy and get past the recovery and you'll be in the wind again soon!
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Ditto to all the previous posts.... you’ve got all winter to rest up, re-hab, plan rides, and then be ready for spring launch! :clapping:
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