All ya folks that live in warm winter weather.

I retired January 2005. I looked at only 2 places. Florida and Arizona. I am a "water person". For the first 10 years of retirement I lived on my boat and traveled the inside passage between Seattle and Alaska during summers. I initially thought Florida would be my winter destination. But Arizona won. Low humidity, lower cost of living, a lot fewer creepy-crawly things and no gators. We have mountains. We have valleys. I can ride 70 miles and be over 5,000 feet in the mountains to cool down on a warm day. Or stay in the valley and ride on cooler days. Today I went for a little 130 mile ride with friends. It was 73 degrees.

Last year there were a total of 15 days of measurable rain at Phoenix Sky Harbor airport. That's 15 days for the entire year! I no longer snow bird. I live here full time. Summers can be brutal. But we have reasonable riding temperatures for 9 months of the year. The other 3 months are spent soaking in the swimming pool. Retirement is great. I recommend it..... Jim
Sharpened up my snow shovel, that was the easy part.

Now to find someone who knows how to use it :Shrug:
Summers in New Mexico get ramped up from a pleasant 70* in Spring to 90*+ slowly and you get some triple digits days. :mad: No rain at all and its dry.
I retired January 2005. I looked at only 2 places. Florida and Arizona. I am a "water person". For the first 10 years of retirement I lived on my boat and traveled the inside passage between Seattle and Alaska during summers. I initially thought Florida would be my winter destination. But Arizona won. Low humidity, lower cost of living, a lot fewer creepy-crawly things and no gators. We have mountains. We have valleys. I can ride 70 miles and be over 5,000 feet in the mountains to cool down on a warm day. Or stay in the valley and ride on cooler days. Today I went for a little 130 mile ride with friends. It was 73 degrees.

Last year there were a total of 15 days of measurable rain at Phoenix Sky Harbor airport. That's 15 days for the entire year! I no longer snow bird. I live here full time. Summers can be brutal. But we have reasonable riding temperatures for 9 months of the year. The other 3 months are spent soaking in the swimming pool. Retirement is great. I recommend it..... Jim

Don't forget about the beautiful riding in October at 8000 feet elevation.

I agree ............ Y'all Should move to FL ........... Next door to Jack. :D We have way to many left coasters trying to settle in TX. Just yesterday, I offered some hand with CA plates, $20 forfood and a full tank of gas if they'd keep driving east towards Jackson, MS :laugh::clapping:
I agree ............ Y'all Should move to FL ........... Next door to Jack. :D We have way to many left coasters trying to settle in TX. Just yesterday, I offered some hand with CA plates, $20 forfood and a full tank of gas if they'd keep driving east towards Jackson, MS :laugh::clapping:

Please don't sen any more New Yorker's here, all they do is whine and bring the Covid Virus with them:mad:
Trike lady mentioned moving to Florida. Up to about 3 years ago that was a good idea. Too many New Yorkers and Californians have moved here and the state is turning purple. We need new hard core republicans to swing us back to being red. While Florida is a coastal state we need to stay firmly red.

Please don't sen any more New Yorker's here, all they do is whine and bring the Covid Virus with them:mad:

Actually it’s not bad here . The taxes suck . But only the strong can survive here.

BTW —— NOOOO Bugs , or gaters. :clapping:
I'm not interested in those warm states. Those guys brag em up all winter and bitch about em all summer. I be liking the snow. To each his own.:)
Interesting 1dn, we don't have bugs or gators either. There are probably gators within 10 miles of us, but with no standing water we don't have mosquitos either. Even in the middle of a summer night we can sit outside and talk and not be bothered by them. Only thing we have problems with are the occasional coyote that are being displaced by all the darned construction. High of 65 expected tomorrow with a gradual warming trend over the next week. Hope you've been able to dig your way out of the snow. Last I heard, some parts of NY had 24" of snow and were expecting more. C'mon SUMMERTIME!
