
my understanding is the present admin in DC is unable to eliminate the 2nd amendment so they are going after the ammo makers, all ammo will have to be registered an a permit needed to buy if available.
If you get a chance,look at the bills attempting for passage by this admin.:(
All very true. And have you noticed the price of ammo lately??? It's going through the roof!

If you have the means, I suggest you begin to stock up before prices go beyond the obscene and/or new laws prevent us for buying it!!:mad:
It's getting hard to find here as well, from what i understand if these bills or bill passes all uncoded ammunition will or is suppose to be used up or destoyed by 2010 or somewhere around then i think and every box of ammo will be coded so they can see how much you bought, what caliber, so on and so on. What happens or how in the heck are they gonna know what you have already stocked up? im not tellin.
Anyone know where I can find some .380 ammo? Preferrably winchester usa or cci-blaser? bigred

There is virtually NO 380 ammo being made in the US....Cant take the guns.. so they are ineffective clubs..Where there is a will there is a way.:mad:
Check this out all the brass from military ranges used to be bought and reloaded by some of the big ammo it has to be shreded and recycled as scrap....all that 7.62, 5.56 and 9mm another way to do us in
Check this out all the brass from military ranges used to be bought and reloaded by some of the big ammo it has to be shreded and recycled as scrap....all that 7.62, 5.56 and 9mm another way to do us in

Reloading is recycling. Where did you find this information? Reloading companies will pay more, and if what you say is an ordinance it would be a great target for a whistle blower waste and fraud report line.
There is virtually NO 380 ammo being made in the US....Cant take the guns.. so they are ineffective clubs..Where there is a will there is a way.:mad:

If you need any ammo, no matter how hard to get, just place an order with or Back order it and wait about 2-3 weeks and blammo it is on your door step. Give it a try. I purchased ultra rare top shelf .40cal +p hp's. NO Problem.:machinegun:
At Fort Dix...I turned in 45 M-1 Garand Drill Rifles (demiled) and watched them choped up I cried...and in the discussion with DRMO they guy told me what the orders were from DOD they had to cancel their contract with a guy who bought and sold to some company in VA for they have weigh and shred by weight.....
im me his contact info and I will get the info from him and report it to a Government fraud and waste center. This is a great example of our tax dollars being wasted. Reloading is recycleing. Why don't they do the same things to their used vehicles? Because it is wastefull..... Another example of a $900.00 toilet seat!
I have been gettin mine from "". You can buy ammo and have it shipped to you, but you better hurry, they'll stop this,too I'm afraid, eventually. .44Special is hard to find around here, as well as any pistol ammo. My son in Las Vegas can't buy ANY pistol ammo, period! If you got a clean record, and are of legal age, you can have it shipped to your home. jimsjinx