Baby Boomers n Chicken


Gold Member
After the Coffee ain’t good for you , after the Egg ain’t good for you , the new it’s gona kill you thing is washed raw chicken. I guess if your a slob and splash the by product all around the kitchen , then call Stanley Steamer in to clean up your shagg rug, after your kid pisses on the bathroom floor ,then ya got issues.

I am still trying to figure out how I’m still alive after eating dirt, worms, inhaling tobacco, asbestos, automotive exhaust fumes, teargas, DDT , campfire smoke, green bread, agrava worms, peanut butter crunchy or creamy with other tree nuts, tasting antifreeze, fuel oil , brake dust, lead paint fumes , airplane modeling glue, paper glue paste, type wash, and finally soap.

Us boomers make up most of the American population. Our parents had a average of 2 children. We all worked or went into the military at 18 years of age. We’re too bizy fishing to protest.

What the HELL went wrong :Shrug:
Washing raw chicken I've been doing it for years, as my mother and grandmother have done the same. Just yesterday I made a beef stew and rinsed the beef under cold water. I wash apples and potatoes before peeling them. No wonder all the cream puffs are getting sick.

Maybe if they saw how filthy the processing plants were they'd wash the chicken in a lemon/water mixture. I heard horror stories from people who worked in those places about how food is handled.
After the Coffee ain’t good for you , after the Egg ain’t good for you , the new it’s gona kill you thing is washed raw chicken. I guess if your a slob and splash the by product all around the kitchen , then call Stanley Steamer in to clean up your shagg rug, after your kid pisses on the bathroom floor ,then ya got issues.

I am still trying to figure out how I’m still alive after eating dirt, worms, inhaling tobacco, asbestos, automotive exhaust fumes, teargas, DDT , campfire smoke, green bread, agrava worms, peanut butter crunchy or creamy with other tree nuts, tasting antifreeze, fuel oil , brake dust, lead paint fumes , airplane modeling glue, paper glue paste, type wash, and finally soap.

Us boomers make up most of the American population. Our parents had a average of 2 children. We all worked or went into the military at 18 years of age. We’re too bizy fishing to protest.

What the HELL went wrong :Shrug:

What what wrong......Sacrifice, Or the lack of it thats what went wrong Everything is handed to the new generation , They are entitled to everything We worked hard so to make it easy for them not to sacrifice and work hard for what they want.......

After Germany surrendered and we were getting close to knocking Japan out, It was suggested to FDR by his top advisers that we can NOW stop rationing in the USA it wasn't needed now.....

He said, No!....We are keeping it and the reason is simple; Artificial Sacrifice is good for the Soul....If we ended it now people will stop backing the War effort...And that will cause more American lives.....And its not just the new generation that sucking us dry....

Just because someone says you are entitled to this or that and if you don't need it doesn't mean you have to take it...:mad:...Because your Grandkids are going to foot the bill....But who cares your entitled right...
About the chicken subject...

I never rinsed raw chicken prior to cooking it,,,UNTIL,,,,I saw a documentary on tv about the chicken raising/processing business. You talk about nasty...WHEW!! They described the “wash” they do with the dead chickens as fecal soup and did indeed show fecal matter floating around the vat. ERP!

The show explained how important it was to rinse your chicken thoroughly and wash with soap everything it or its juice might have come in contact with..

RINSE??? Rinse h&#ll...I proceeded to put soap and water on the raw chicken then rinse the h&#ll out of it to get the soap off of it.

Moral of the story..I never got sick prior to washing raw chicken and I never got sick after having washed it with soap and water.. but I do still rinse it thoroughly. :Shrug:
I'm thinkin somethin nudged you over the edge today.:Shrug: Well I'm stayin out your way till this blows over.
Damage was already done . My therapist still had her jammys on at my session today :gah:

Thats funny you should mention a therapist, I have an appointment with him tomorrow at 9 Am......And just about an hour ago his secretary called to cancel the appointment , It seems he went way over the edge and committed suicide.....What a loser , But the worst part was she said he mentioned my name as the cause in the note....:xzqxz:....
About the chicken subject...

I never rinsed raw chicken prior to cooking it,,,UNTIL,,,,I saw a documentary on tv about the chicken raising/processing business. You talk about nasty...WHEW!! They described the “wash” they do with the dead chickens as fecal soup and did indeed show fecal matter floating around the vat. ERP!

The show explained how important it was to rinse your chicken thoroughly and wash with soap everything it or its juice might have come in contact with..

RINSE??? Rinse h&#ll...I proceeded to put soap and water on the raw chicken then rinse the h&#ll out of it to get the soap off of it.

Moral of the story..I never got sick prior to washing raw chicken and I never got sick after having washed it with soap and water.. but I do still rinse it thoroughly. :Shrug:

#1, I ALWAYS rinse and thanks for posting this
IKEA meatballs !

I hear IKEA is going into the food biz. Buy a rocking chair, get a free bag of Meatless Meat Balls :Shrug:

Now I know how they recycle the saw dust !
Another thing that's disgusting is the apples in the supermarket, the apples aren't the problem its the germs that get on them. Sneezing and coughing on or near the apples, handling them if you coughed or sneezed on your hand, the apple hits the dirty floor that many shoppers have walked on and now some dingbat is going to eat the unwashed apple and get sick.

This could also hold true for any unpackaged produce. Wash it before you eat it.
I'm guessin you don't shop at Walmart.:laugh: When I was a boy, my father was a truck driver, he would always say Billy you don't want to know where your food comes from.
I'm guessin you don't shop at Walmart.:laugh: When I was a boy, my father was a truck driver, he would always say Billy you don't want to know where your food comes from.

Mine comes from the local Shop-rite.....As far as i know they grow it in the back of the store...:D....
I shop at Bob's Thriftyway in Lovington, don't shop in Walmart as the senior bus doesn't take us there. Living out where I do most of my shopping is done on line, we lost the Shopko and that means less shopping in walking distance. :mad:
Another thing that's disgusting is the apples in the supermarket, the apples aren't the problem its the germs that get on them. Sneezing and coughing on or near the apples, handling them if you coughed or sneezed on your hand, the apple hits the dirty floor that many shoppers have walked on and now some dingbat is going to eat the unwashed apple and get sick.

This could also hold true for any unpackaged produce. Wash it before you eat it.

This is SO true...of all produce. I do wash produce with soap and water...except bananas...their peel protects the innards you actually eat. Just think of how many people have handled that piece of produce just the same as you are doing in making your choice. Think of where their hands have been. I assure you they did not wash their hands before handling the produce...did you? Now that we have so many imported people here we are having a surge in germ complications not seen in the U.S. for years.
This is SO true...of all produce. I do wash produce with soap and water...except bananas...their peel protects the innards you actually eat. Just think of how many people have handled that piece of produce just the same as you are doing in making your choice. Think of where their hands have been. I assure you they did not wash their hands before handling the produce...did you? Now that we have so many imported people here we are having a surge in germ complications not seen in the U.S. for years.

No offense to anyone, When i buy apples or pairs ETC.....I try to pick the ones where i have to reach the farthest to get at.....Shorter shoppers [Women] tend to fondle each piece of fruit the closest to them for ripeness........Melons, I can't tell you how many times i've times said to a person, Yeah! 'I'm going to buy those melons after you just stuck your nose in them..:mad:...And thats why my Wife when we do shop together just sends me for the milk.....With strict orders don't talk or make eye contact with anyone..

Or wait in the car....