Bacon Onions and Liver

I'm right there with you Trinity...I can remember my Dad standing over me, threatening, "if you don't eat that Liver, you're gonna get it for breakfast"...naturally, by the time i finially ate it, you'd think it was made at Tom McCanns (Shoe Leather)...LOL. Still can't get it down!
I came from a po' family Grew up on liver and onions and brains and eggs. Still love the liver and onions but can pass on the brains and eggs. Brains to slick and slimy for me nowadays.

MJ used to give it to the girls when they were little. Told them it was steak. They loved it. Then they found out what it really was when they got older and would not eat it anymore.
I Love it when I cook it, I would never order it out though. I soak my baby beef liver in milk for a few hours then fry it up. Oooooohhhh Doggy you swear you were eating Sirloin. Tripe is always one of my favorites, but you have to let it soak and clean it good. Being Irish, blood pudding is another favorite, fried tomatoes.....Damn John you got me started LOL