Baker Wings


10+ Posts
Hello out there,

Just wondering. Thinking of purchasing the lower Baker Wings for my Goldwing trike. Anyone care to weigh in on how well they work. Do they make it any more comfortable in cold weather, and is there an increase in fuel economy? Baker also says they can be snapped on and off depending on rider preference.

What say you that have them installed. Worth it or not.

I liked them just fine on my Gold Wing trike. Kept the bugs to a minimum on the rear fenders. Left them on all year long.. never noticed any heat discomfort nor did I notice any change in mpg.
Not sure about them being snapped on or off. That's news to me. But I am a happy customer of theirs. I had them on my 1500 and also have them on my 1800 now. I like that I can have the lower ones closed to direct the heat from radiators away and have upper ones opened to get more air flow. When the weather cools down, I reverse them so I can get some of the heat from the radiators. I also have the hand wings mounted under the mirrors which can either get me more air flow in hot weather or block the colder air. They also help some when riding in the rain if they are closed to block all air flow.

One other thing to add is that Bruce Baker, the original owner and creator of Bake Built Air Wings passed away beginning of last year but for now, the family has kept the business running. Not sure how much longer they will be doing this but I hope they do for awhile...
After rereading your post, I believe you are asking about the foot wings by Baker Built.

I see that they indeed mention that they will snap on and off. IMHO, these by themselves probably wouldn't provide much to you as far as comfort. A much better move would be to purchase the fairing mounted air wings.

These will provide much more comfort than simply having the foot wings. The foot wings could be combined with the air wings but IMHO, a better idea would be to combine the hand wings with the air wings as that setup is much more versatile.

As far as gas mileage, I don't think the foot wings will net you any kind of mpg increase. Same with the Air wings or hand wings. All of these are more to provide more comfort when riding to either increase airflow to rider or block it when needed.
I had the whole package of the wings.. loved them all. The bike even came with the hand wings that hang down under the mirror but I took those off early on.. thought it detracted from the look of my GL1800.. never missed them.

Thanks for the responses. I didn't really think I would get any better fuel economy, but more interested in comfort and possibly fewer bugs hitting rear fenders.

Thanks again
I use them and I do like them. As for MPG. When I first installed them I had the foot wings on and after a couple on road trips I realize that I was loosing gas milage. I started removing them one by one and found those big lower leg/foot wings were costing me 1 to 2 mpg. Took them off and sold them. The mirror mounted ones and the cowl mounted I really like.