Bear kills m/c rider

Yes it is very sad. It just goes to show that you never know what you will encounter while riding. Ride safe folks.
WOW. This is hard.
We have small black bears around here (northwest Florida). In fact there has been a big increase in the neighborhood activity of these bears.
Numerous warnings on the news about not making food or garbage available for the bears to seek out.

If a car hits one of the big bears like the one in the story, it would be worse than hitting a deer. So I guess it is the same for a bike hitting a bear.
Watch out.
In the paper it sounds like the bear hit the m/c rider broadside, the rider probably died from being knocked to the road, it happened in a 45/55 mph zone. I go down that road all the time, never thought of it as a bear crossing area, deer yes.
We have had occasionally reports about bear, especially in the spring and even moose which would be even worse. Just goes to show different areas have different wildlife and you have to adapt. When I was headed to Louisiana my brother in law told me watch out for the razor backs. Ok, I said, what is that?
Articles like this make me re-think what I was contemplating regarding getting a new Indian two wheeler along with keeping my Wing/Smith,,,.... :(