been missing for a long time ....

Hi everyone,
Sorry we have been away from this forum for awhile. Lynn's 40 year old younger Sister commited suicide on her 40th b-day in July of 2011. It was from alcohol and depression even thou she had every thing she could want and money was not a problem. We think it was because her Son and Daughter were both off to college and they were her life commitment and felt useless after they went off to school. Lynn in turn got depressed and did not want to ride her trike as much. Then in April of 2012 Lynn had emergency surgery to have her Gall Bladder taken out. Then our lovely 40 year old neighbor which was like a Daughter to us got killed in a farm accident when a loaded hay wagon flipped and crushed her on July 6, 2012. She left 4 young beautiful girls who are like our Grandchildren because we never had kids so they were treated as such.

Now between the on going pains of having her GB removed and Leslie dying she was even more not into riding. This from some one that rode 8,000 miles a year before all this. Now to top this all off I was getting a kidney stone type of pain in November of 2012. After a CT scan they found out that it was an enlarged Lymph node almost 3" in diameter and the main Cancer tumor was in my left testicle. That one was very small and went undetected until it was found by an ultrasound. I was diagnosed with Stage 3B Testicular Cancer at 59 years old and this is more common in guys half my age. I went through 9 weeks of Chemo starting the first week of 2013 and after the last treatment I ended up in the hospital. They ended up giving me blood transfusions because I was checking out physically and mentally and lost all hope to living. Things turned out better after the one week hospital stay. Then on April 1st I had my first operation to remove the left testical. Then on May 1st I was in for a 12 hour surgery to take out the enlarged Lymph Node which shrank down to 1" in diameter from the chemo.

I am now in recovery mode which will take atleast 4 months and on long term disability at the rate of half my pay. I am hoping to atleast be able to ride Lynn's trike by this Fall. I lost 30 pounds of muscle mass through all of this. I am now thinking of having my 1999 Dyna Wide Glide triked with a Frankenstien kit. We are selling Lynn's beautiful FXD and I may just sell my 1999 DWG and buy a newer Fatbob and Frankenstien it instead ;-)

BTW ..... as of right now I am Cancer free. Cancer marker was 1300 in the beginning and now down to 2.2 and anything under 6 is normal. So for the rest of my life I will just be checked every 6 months or so.
Rob ......
Oh, but you two have been through so much in the last two years!!!! My prayers go out that you both have the strength, courage, and comfort you need each day. As you are home recuperating, join us here for fun and friendship. I think the communication and great friends on this forum will lift your spirits and give you encouragement!
I wish I could find the right words to offer more comfort. Prayers are being sent asap for a complete and permanent recovery. Glad you came back to Trike Talk. We're all here for ya.
Rob Im so glad to hear you are cancer free, thats the best news of all. Please know that we have you and Lynn in our prayers brother! And please dont be a stranger...we have missed you!
Rob, glad to see you back, all I can say is wow. A Fatbob with the Frankenstien kit would make a sharp looking ride.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Thankfully, everything was found in time for a successful outcome. There's nothing like those welcome words, "cancer free" (I know). May God bless you and your family and we hope you're back "on the road" soon. ThumbUp
Thoughts and Prayers for Both of You....WOW, Ya'll have been through sooooo much in a really short span of time. I hope maybe TRIKE can be a source of entertainment for You while recuperating...Don't be Strangers, Post Your Thoughts here.....ThumbUp
Prayers are sent for you and your wife. Sorry for all your troubles is an understatement. Its hard to imagine what all you and your wife have went thru. May God Bless and hope the rest of the year makes you all well and happy.
Welcome home Rob and Lynn! What others have said....congratulations on being cancer-free and hope Lynn gets back to riding (sometimes the best medicine).:wave4:
Rob, I truly cannot find words to express how sorry I am you both have gone through so much!! Just doesn't seem fair for two nice people like you to have to suffer so much, and in such a short period of time!

Please remember we're all here for you, and I'm not that far so if you need anything, give a yell! I'd love to get together sometime, even if you cage it - maybe a Kimball's trip could be arranged when you're both feeling up to it.

Take care of yourselves, and know you're both in my thoughts!!

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