BOOM Mustang trikes and keyless ignition

I have just put a deposit down on a new BOOM Mustang Family 2 litre Peugeot automatic trike.

My Indian Springfield has a keyless ignition system as standard and it is great.

BOOM don't offer a keyless ignition system as an accessory but does anyone out there have any experience in fitting one and if so which one did you fit and how is it performing?


Cheers Kym

Sydney Australia
Boom Peugeot Trike

I am not familiar with a Boom Peugeot trike. Post a picture so we all can see one.
Just my $.02

I've been following posts for years and a consistent theme in the Boom Trike posts is the lack of and inability to obtain any technical information on these trikes. Not slamming Boom but reflecting what I've seen in posts.

Since you haven't put all your money down yet you should be able to apply some pressure on them to provide a technical manual, especially a wiring diagram for the trike, along with the trike purchase.. I'm assuming that the Peugeot engine is computer controlled and CANBUS so it would be good info to know where the Peugeot wiring ends and the Boom wiring begins.

Good Luck. Get all the tech info that you can before writing that last check.