Brake woes


VW Tech Contributor
Jan 14, 2014
Reaction score
Cheyenne Wyoming USA
I am helping a good friend build a new HD trike this winter. He is a double amputee above both knees.

What we want to do is control both front calipers and both rear calipers from one hand brake control. We have found a pretty large brake master cylinder that fits on the throttle side like a regular front brake setup.

Now, here is the issue: I figured that we could purchase an adjustable proportioning valve that had one inlet and two outlets. Adjust the front to be much lighter than the rear to keep from having the front wheel slide. Hmm, I am not able to find that valve anywhere! It is either one inlet/one outlet, or two inlets/two outlets.

Am I looking for the wrong part?

Any ideas/help would be most appreciated.

To be honest, I'd recommend going with a double lever brake set up on the front. It won't take near as much space, all of the "homework and r&d" is already done for you. There are several companies that make them for motorcycles. Also, do a web search, there are a few organizations out there that can help with this, and if your friend qualifies, may even be able to get a grant to help with the expense.
Thanks for the reply THEREALTRIKKY!!

Doing a quick search only shows basically one that is very bulky looking and most likely insane priced

That is a link to the one I am referring to. I don't see any prices on the site, but I would imagine it is expensive and doesn't have a reservoir for the fluid.

It is made by Kliktronic who makes an electric shift system that costs over $1,200!

None the less, that is the only one that I found so far.

EDIT: I just found a place that carries the mentioned system:
They want $2,000 for it!!!!!!!!!!