Clearview Windshield VS. Freedom Windshield


70+ Posts
Gold Member
Sep 22, 2020
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I am windshield shopping which shield would you folks recommend. I am currently using the

stock 16 " shield and while it works pretty good it could stand to be about 1" taller.

I have used Freedom shields in the past very good shield. I just purchased a stock 20 " Road King

shield just for the hardware so I will be setting up two shields one to look over and one to see thru.

I noticed that Clearview is available with a vent in the shield. I would like to hear your thoughts on

both ot these shields.
Don't know about shields for FWs but if the Freedom is anything like the one I have on my TG it is by far the best I've ever had or seen. I like the fact that it is thicker and more robust than any other shield I know of. IMO you can't go wrong with Freedom.

I just ordered the Clearview 19 " with increased width. I am trying to get rid of the buffeting from air spilling off the bottom corners of the stock Harley shield. The Clearview is wider and also extends quite a bit lower at the corners. We shall see how much of a benefit.
The Freedom shield will give you that extra inch without actually being an inch taller with the recurve they have. They are great shields that can take a beating. Had crow play chicken with mine and the shield won. But there was a tiny chip where the beak hit or maybe it was already there and I just didn't notice it. Really not sure on that one. But I put Freedom shields on anything I ride. John, the owner, is great to work with. He did something out of the norm for me on the one I have now.
I'm a Klockwerks fan however they are pricey.

I've also ran Long Ride Shields on my bikes and have been pleased with them.

My Wife runs a LRS Recurve on her Freewheeler and is happy with it.
Using a LRS , set up to look over. No buffering wind and most of the rain blows over my helmet. No matter what you choose , if it rains , you will get wet !
I have the Clearview with recurve on my nomad and i've been happy with it so far.
I've been using Clearview on my bikes for a long time. Currently running one on my Free. It does have the vent and I can feel the air when moving around town when its hot. I crack it open a on the highway to help with buffeting. I wear a Shoei Neotec II and it doesn't move while using the highway here in the west at 80+ mph. Vent, recurve and extra width all play a factor.
I got the Clearview shield installed yesterday and did a rather long test ride. Buffeting from air off the sides and bottom is a bit better, I would estimate maybe 50% reduced. The quality and packaging (for shipping) of the shield is first rate.
New Windshield Because of Buying a New Seat

I wasn't looking into changing my shield. :gah:The buffering and wind coming around my stock shield was ok, no problems. The issue i was having was my :kpzxvq:mad:$$ during long rides of more than 100 miles. The Buttocks felt like a Baboon @$$ look after riding all day. I decide to look into getting a new saddle for the TG. After months of researching, reading the forums and talking to others with the same issues I was having when riding. I decide to order a Ultimate Seat for the trike. Like others have said in their post, and in conversations the first few miles was as bad as the stock seat. Since my @$$ was already harden (Muscle) from the stock seat, no problem! After around 550 miles the seat is getting better and better (Rock) every time I we went out for a ride. The seat issue was solved. :asskiss: My wife can't tell any difference, so far. Then another problem arose from the new seat. :taz:WIND. The seat did sit me back a couple of inches, but it also raised me up and the wife up almost 2 inches. The buffering that I wasn't experiencing now is coming into play. Back to researching to correct the problem. Looking into ALL of the choices (Thinking) in windshield, I decided to go with Freedom. ThumbUp The reason I chose Freedom was the craftmanship and the quality in their product, the price wasn't bad either. i went with a Medium Tint 11' height shield. At lower speeds the wind is ok. The more I turned the right wrist, :scooter:the more the wind was redirected around us. I could have gone with a 12' I'm ok with the 11'. Get back to the topic, Freedom windshield you can't go wrong. :pepper:

what height windshield are people using i also bought the stock hd..and i am getting blown all over cant even wear a cap..