Counting Down to the Rally!

You all are scaring me! I have to get my new reverse gear in the trike and get to NC to get it serviced. It is an overnight trip as Hubby wants to get his done too. We are in the middle of baling hay all this week. Next week I have a ton of horseback riding lessons to give because my students want to do a show on the 12th and they want two or three lessons next week. Plus, the show is at my farm, so I have to set up for it. Hubby has to fly to NY tomorrow and Atlanta on Tuesday and to Charlotte NC on the 15th and back again on the 18th. He has planes waiting to get their annual inspection done. He has Coast Guard Missions. His daughter's car is here to have a ton of work for Daddy to do on it. I can't get my trike done until he can get the reverse in it, because it is now torn down waiting on parts. HELP!!!!! This is pure nuts. Oh! We also have out of town guests here.
You all are scaring me! I have to get my new reverse gear in the trike and get to NC to get it serviced. It is an overnight trip as Hubby wants to get his done too. We are in the middle of baling hay all this week. Next week I have a ton of horseback riding lessons to give because my students want to do a show on the 12th and they want two or three lessons next week. Plus, the show is at my farm, so I have to set up for it. Hubby has to fly to NY tomorrow and Atlanta on Tuesday and to Charlotte NC on the 15th and back again on the 18th. He has planes waiting to get their annual inspection done. He has Coast Guard Missions. His daughter's car is here to have a ton of work for Daddy to do on it. I can't get my trike done until he can get the reverse in it, because it is now torn down waiting on parts. HELP!!!!! This is pure nuts. Oh! We also have out of town guests here.

Well, some people have all the fun! ;)

You've still got a couple/three weeks and I KNOW you won't let anything make you miss the rally if you can help it. Now get back to work! :):):):)
Bless your heart! Thing's'll get better soon; Daddy will be home, kids will settle down, horses will behave, you'll be at the Rally!!!
WOW are you really booked solid. Good luck and hang in there. Wish I could help, but Key Largo is a long ways away.
Okay, who's already packed for the rally? Who's called two or three times to verify room reservations? Who has a convoy of trikes comin' up from Texas?

Not packed just yet (I have to get through a week of grading high school AP exams first). But I DID order two new bags for the occasion, I HAVE called the Four Seasons multiple times, and I DO review our maps at least once a day. Does that count? :):):)
Not packed just yet (I have to get through a week of grading high school AP exams first). But I DID order two new bags for the occasion, I HAVE called the Four Seasons multiple times, and I DO review our maps at least once a day. Does that count? :):):)

And you had your trike inspected and serviced...ThumbUp
Naaaaaaaaaaaah - nobody's payin' much attention to it this year . . . NOT!!!

Can't wait can't wait can't wait (repeat until breathless!) !!!
Rally? Is someone having a Rally?? LOL
I am counting the days, hours, and seconds... Rally??? :)
:woohoo: :wtg: