Delay for "Back in the Saddle"

Well, was in for my 30 day post-accident check-up with trauma surgeon yesterday. Said I was coming along well, but with the type of break in my ribs (overlap 17 mm / 18 mm) I cannot get back on the trike until 12 weeks after the accident (4/13/13). This I don’t like. Though I still can’t drive a car, because I’m still taking narcotic pain killers.

As far as the trike goes, parts should start coming in from Honda next week, but the 3 main parts from RoadSmith are going to take a total of 5 or 6 weeks. The shop is not going to start tearing down the trike until they have all the Honda Tupperware for the left side.

After that, it is a wait for mother nature to do a final repair on my rib cage. That is going to be the longest delay in getting back on the road. The doctor was not too encouraging yesterday. Just have to see how things go. I want badly want to get back on road - - but I guess I’ll have to wait and let God do his portion of the repair job correctly. I sure don’t want to screw that up again!

There are a few small jobs I can do to the trike while I’m waiting, but mostly just waiting.

Bought new helmet last Sat. Still need a new jacket and chaps, so that will take a little bit of my time.
Just had minor surgery and the not being able to drive for over a week due to
being put to sleep for the surgery and the pain killers afterwards sucks.
In my case, it was 10 DAYS.I havnt went that long without driving since I was 14
I feel your pain, hang in there, hopefully things will be better shortly.