Do you believe.....

The House Committee is having its UFO hearing tomorrow, 5/17/2022. I'm certain the truth will be known real soon.....:xzqxz:
Oh sure, these people are the worst crooks yet. They can do their dirty deeds with total impunity, makes me want to howl at the moon with anger. Maybe this too shall pass, but OMG, when?
Heard today that Pelosi has started to have taxpayers paying for open bar privileges for lawmakers. Seems they need to have us pay for alcohol so they can carry on discussions about important things like UFOs..... Jim
to have taxpayers paying for open bar privileges for lawmakers.

Oh good, our lawmakers aren't out of touch enough without adding alcohol to the mix.

The UFO scare is probably top secret things made by the military or other government entities. I'm sure a lot of strange stuff has floated around the White Sands Missile Range over the years. It's like the fleet of drones that flew over Colorado and a couple of other states and no one admitting if it were theirs.

Next they pull something about Big Foot.

If our elected leaders (I mean liars) spend time getting drunk at our expense and see UFOs they really need to seek out an AA meeting.
I saw something yesterday that said the government UFO organization released their 1st report and it specifically discussed the number of UFOs that had been documented.
number of UFOs that had been documented

While a number of UFOs may have been documented, now that drones are everywhere they're likely to be the convenient "cover" for anything unusual.

Heaven, or a reasonable facsimily, is out there somewhere!!. I believe after this life is over, we are "born again" in another galaxy not necessarily in our present life form.
Heaven, or a reasonable facsimily, is out there somewhere!!. I believe after this life is over, we are "born again" in another galaxy not necessarily in our present life form.

I hope there’s no such thing as reincarnation I hate to come back as a porch monkey…😱
Obama did, see how that turned out:p

Jack....I didn't mean that statement as racist ..It was what we called people that sat outside all day that had no life-:cxtv:- and counted the cars driving by and also complaining about us kids playing Stick Ball in front of their house..:taz:...
If you’re fortunate enough to be able to see bizillion’s of stars , it would be hard to believe that this is the only rock in the universe that has life . No one will admit it . Or wants to think outside the box :Shrug:

There out there !!
this is the only rock in the universe that has life

I buy that only because of the size of outer space. An alien would have to have enough gas (in our case, oxygen) that's replenishable inside their spaceship to sustain them round trip. They'd also have to be able to survive our temperature extremes, find or create something to keep them hydrated (could be different than our water), and have enough fuel to accomplish the round trip. For these reasons alone I'd guess there's little chance of being visited by creatures from other planets. But who knows???
