FYI: Leg cramps

Phu Cat

2250+ Posts
​It must be 40 years since I started having trouble with my calf muscles cramping up and not wanting to release. In the early days my shin muscles were strong enough to stretch the calf muscle out. Not any more. Now I have to stand and put my full weight on the ball of my foot on the floor to get relief. I mentioned this on another forum and a couple guys recommended taking magnesium. Darned if that didn't stop the cramps. If you have leg cramps possibly magnesium may help you too.

FYI: Leg Cramps

Magnesium is one of four of the electrolytes in our systems. The other three are calcium, sodium and potassium. Calcium and magnesium work best in synergy with each other in an average ratio of about 2 to 1. This means if you are only taking magnesium, then your calcium levels will become imbalanced. That's why you will usually find calcium/magnesium bottled and sold in a ratio of 500mg. calcium to 250mg. magnesium per serving.

Magnesium, taken alone, is also a great laxative. So if you are taking excess magnesium, you and anybody around you will eventually know it.:D

One of the other great benefits of calcium/magnesium is it's ability to work as "Nature's Tranquilizer". It's very good for sleeping issues such as falling asleep faster while reducing restlessness and inducing a deeper quality sleep. If you have had a lot of alcohol before bedtime, it would be wise to cut back or refrain from taking the calcium/magnesium at that time.
Good to know about the magnesium. Another cramp reduced is tonic water. The quinine in it works pretty good. And, it is your choice if you decide to add anything to the tonic (Gin?). I have a riding buddy who is prone to leg cramps. He keeps a bottle of tonic water with him when riding..... Jim
Good to know about the magnesium. Another cramp reduced is tonic water. The quinine in it works pretty good. And, it is your choice if you decide to add anything to the tonic (Gin?). I have a riding buddy who is prone to leg cramps. He keeps a bottle of tonic water with him when riding..... Jim

I do not care for gin, but vodka and a twist of lime added to tonic water is very tasty.
Good to know about the magnesium. Another cramp reduced is tonic water. The quinine in it works pretty good. And, it is your choice if you decide to add anything to the tonic (Gin?). I have a riding buddy who is prone to leg cramps. He keeps a bottle of tonic water with him when riding..... Jim

I use the tonic (quinine) water for restless leg syndrome which is different from the dreaded charlie-horses (magnesium). Depending circumstances, the tonic water gets mixed with gin..twist of lime, of course..thank you. ;)
Leg Cramps

Ditto's on all the suggestions so far. I suffer from leg cramps as well, painfully so many times when riding and especially at night. I have found an OTC drug simply called 'Leg Cramps' sold at Walmart works wonders on my cramps. Here is another, maybe even better called

[h=1]NatraBio, Leg Cramps with Quinine Sulfate, 60 Tablets[/h](

Quine Sulfate is the key ingredient. There used to be a prescription strength available until the FDA took it off the market a number of years ago. My late mothers Dr used to prescribe it to her that worked as good as magic but the above is the next best thing and it is also OTC. But the Walmart version works most of the time for me and almost instantly when I chew them up.
Yup Magnesium works! When I get a cramp while riding, I put pressure on the peg or boards to lift my butt a little to mimic standing up.