GL1200 to GL1500

Quick question for those in the know. My Dad has an 85 GL1200 that was triked years ago. The trike itself is in great shape but the bike not so much. Does anyone know what the chances may be to have this kit installed on a 1500? I am not sure of the brand of the kit but it was a mass produced kit that he had installed. I can't find out the brand at the moment as I live 3 hours away and he can't check due to being down with a broke hip at the moment. Any thoughts will be appreciated. Thanks.

I'm sure your Dad appreciates you trying to help him out with this Rex. Unfortunately, I doubt the odds of moving a kit designed for a GL1200 over to a GL1500 is very likely. You may luck out and be able to do so with a few minor modifications but again I'd be surprised.

Good luck with the trikes. Hope you Dad mends quickly. :xszpv: :xszpv:
I think finding another decent 1200 and switching the kit would be alot easier.
I think finding another decent 1200 and switching the kit would be alot easier.
X2 on that!
The 1200 and 1500 frames and such are so different. I know a fellow had a nice 1200 but wanted a trike, he bought a "set out in weather" 1200 Motor Trike and swapped all the trike parts to his 1200, painting as he went along, put his old stuff on the weathered 1200, sold the weathered 1200 with new paint and LOVES his "new" Trike.
You can find a good 1200 put the kit on it.
How long has the trike been sitting?
The conversion could be an early Motortrike or a Triwing.
I am guessing that the trike was installed around 2000-2002. I have a hard time remembering time frames :(. It was actually installed here in Roanoke at Buds Motorcycle shop. Unfortunately, they closed several years back so getting information from them isn't possible.

You can find a good 1200 put the kit on it.
How long has the trike been sitting?
The conversion could be an early Motortrike or a Triwing.
Thanks to all for the input. I am pretty much getting the answer that I thought I might but I will continue to research. Dad does have another option he is considering. That would be to put a Frankenstein kit on his Sportster. As long as he gets back out this summer that is all that really matters and we fully expect he will.

A couple of good pics of a side view and rear view of the conversion would help us in ID'ing it.
Post pic when you can. Thank you.