Going To Convert 1800 Goldwing to Trike


Well, I am new here and am reading up on all the different trike conversion styles. I took some good info and test rode what I could. I like the tight feel of the champion non IRS and I like the price. Looking around on forums tho I cannot locate much info on the satisfaction of those who already own the Champion. I like the storage of some others but not the ride. I have a headache trying to make up my mind. :(

Well, I am new here and am reading up on all the different trike conversion styles. I took some good info and test rode what I could. I like the tight feel of the champion non IRS and I like the price. Looking around on forums tho I cannot locate much info on the satisfaction of those who already own the Champion. I like the storage of some others but not the ride. I have a headache trying to make up my mind. :(

Hi chacha! I have the champion kit you like on my FatBoy.... and I LOVE it! I have had it since December, 2006 and have put almost 20,000 miles on it with absolutely no problems. With the rear tire pressure at about 16-17 psi, the ride is comfortable and the handling is great.

I have the rake kit, and wouldn't recommend anyone be without it. Cornering is a joy, and I easily hold my own on twisty roads (my husband prefers to follow me through them on his 2-wheeler as I "push" him in the corners....but don't tell him I told you that ;)).

I would absolutely go with the same trike kit again after my positive experience with Champion.

By the way, Bazooka is a dealer for Champion, and he has stated on here that he will work with any forum member anywhere in the US to get them the best deal possible. I would encourage you to contact him at Adventure Trikes. You'll find a link to their web page on the forum home page.

Contact me if I can answer any specific questions you have about my kit and my experience with Champion.
WELCOME to TRIKE TALK.....and to confuse You more...I have a Motor Trike Adventurer IRS on my Gold Wing, and a 4.5 degree Rake kit.....I love it....."but".....Everyone is different...why They make so many different Flavors....;).....regardless, glad You joined TRIKE TALK....:wtg:
Ty Ty So excited now, finally made my decision. What confused me was the IRS too, I want to be able to keep up with everyone on the twisties and had the Voyager kit and had to do the speed limit or lower with that. I liked the kit, I just want to upgrade and was able to sell the kit for TRIKE money. The IRS looks wonderful, but I need a stiffer ride with maybe a gel seat due to physical limitations. I thank this forum for the help. I have learned definitions of terms that I was not getting when I started. :D
Some say the straight axle is better in twisty .I have the DFT with Ind rear I have no problem doing 5 to 10 over the posted limit in any corner. Ride is good. big difference is passenger comfort. A little more cushy with the indy. No matter what you get, it will feel a lot different than to Voyager. I rode the Voyager for 2,000 miles before I switched I know the difference.
Chacha...welcome to the Forum. That said, you may want to look into Seats by ULTIMATE.CA...(that's CA for Canada).

Thanks everyone, so enjoy the tips and comments. I did it, my honey and I went yesterday and paid the upfront for the kit and now we wait. I feel strangley calm now and the headache is gone, hahaha. I wondered how different the ride would be long term than the voyager and am glad to know it will be much much better for me. A new seat would probably help. I have a question to throw out there. I use the kuryakyn heel toe shift floorboards and my husband does not like them and I cannot find a lowering kit for them, any suggestions? I am not much shorter than he is, I did not get the floorboards with the kit, can't afford all of it, darn.....Will post pic when I get it. :wave4:
LQQK'n forward, to see'n a picture of it, when you get it..........

Where you live Cha cha ??

Wife and I would love to ride with you and your hubby

Springfield, Massachusetts


LQQK'n forward, to see'n a picture of it, when you get it..........

Where you live Cha cha ??

Wife and I would love to ride with you and your hubby

Springfield, Massachusetts



I think you’re late for the party , Ron ! 2010 post . Either the camera broke or it never happened .