Good News With Some Bad News

Bad first: A surge in bikes stolen in the area, my friend's older bike was taken 2 nights ago.

Good: Last night a group was busted stealing a bike, hang em high. They had taken one bike and some night owl spotted them, notified the police. As the police were in route, the bad guys came back for the second bike at the same location as the one they had just taken, busted, bikes recovered and guys in jail at this time.

Appears to not be a random act but a planned out mission.

The Aspen Cade Rally in Ruidoso is happening now and there is a large influx of bikes/trikes in the area. Jim
Bad first: A surge in bikes stolen in the area, my friend's older bike was taken 2 nights ago.

Good: Last night a group was busted stealing a bike, hang em high. They had taken one bike and some night owl spotted them, notified the police. As the police were in route, the bad guys came back for the second bike at the same location as the one they had just taken, busted, bikes recovered and guys in jail at this time.

Appears to not be a random act but a planned out mission.

The Aspen Cade Rally in Ruidoso is happening now and there is a large influx of bikes/trikes in the area. Jim
They need to set a example and lock them up for a long time. Fred
in some countries they cut your hands off. be hard to steal anything ever again. we are to soft with criminals in this country. a slap on the hand is no deterrent.