Goodby NFL


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The players are disrespectful to the military and the country and the 'Greedy' NFL will want to line their pockets with the money from the sales of 'Salute to the Services' merchandise. They can stick it where the sun doesn't shine, don't use our military to make money.

Thank you for your service.

I don't know if the players showing this type of disrespect for the flag will end up snowballing and costing them and the owners money or not. If it does then you can bet the practice will end. The league will end up just making a rule that there will be no National Anthem prior to games starting, problem solved.

It amazes me that they can disrespect the flag in this manner and then claim it has nothing to do with the flag. That would be like me carrying a poster of someone hitting a NFL player with a semi and claiming it represents a protest over the rising price of fuel. If they want to protest and speak out about police brutality, or inner city issues, then wear something on their uniforms indicating that......oh no, wait a minute, that is against league rules and they would be fined!
Hey NFL...Take A Lesson From MLB

What a start to game 7 of the WS tonight, especially after what recently happened in New York. A group of police officers singing the National Anthem and all the players on both teams standing!

No one trying to "send a message", no one trying to protest anything. Professional players showing respect for our country and setting an excellent example for our youngsters. Maybe in a few years MLB will truly be America's favorite sport again and the NFL will be watched about as much as mud wrestling.
I know this thread was a couple of years old, but "times a changin" I guess.

I watched a couple games during this last season (Chicago Bears). I knew of the changes in the rules as it pertained to kneeling and such. I saw no evidence of disrespect to our flag being televised. Of course the Bears didn't last in the playoffs so that was that.

I was up in the air about even watching the SB game yesterday. Then I heard that the half time folks were going to take a knee prior to their performance in support of the players "movement" so that was that, no game for us. Haven't talked to anyone or heard if any of that took place or not.
If ya noticed Joe, during the anthem, the cameras do not focus on any player any more.

To me the NFL is nothing but a organization of criminals and muscle heads making the big bucks leagally. Collage games have more action as are patriotic players. Unfortunately some of them will get recruited to the NFL septic tank .
Didn't see any "kneelers" last night, but there were players of color that stood with their arms crossed over their chests instead of on their hearts during the rendering of the National Anthem.

Perhaps that was the new way to protest our anthem?

Gladys Knight did a pretty good job of singing the anthem IMO...
I honestly don't see what people find so appealing about NFL. They do absolutely nothing for me and haven't in over 20 years. College and high school are a heck of a lot more entertaining and interesting to watch. They can have NFL and maybe some day they might have players a person could respect. Not so much today. High priced thugs if you was to ask me.
I honestly don't see what people find so appealing about NFL. They do absolutely nothing for me and haven't in over 20 years. College and high school are a heck of a lot more entertaining and interesting to watch. They can have NFL and maybe some day they might have players a person could respect. Not so much today. High priced thugs if you was to ask me.

I guess their living Vicariously by watching..... Kinna like the Rambo syndrome, With the difference being with Rambo its Hero vs Villain .....With the NFL its Thug vs Thug...
Good Bye NFL

I am done watching NFL games. I will not follow my team any longer, I will not ever attend another game, nor will it be broadcast on any of my home TV's.

It is one thing when a handful of overpaid players refuse to stand for the National Anthem and disrespect this country, especially our veterans. But now when Miami Dolphins owner Steve Ross supports players that show this type of disrespect, that was the last straw for me. Ross said the protesting players are "smart young men of character who want to make our world a better place for everyone. They wanted to start a conversation and are making a difference in our community, including working with law enforcement to bring people together".

By making this statement I can only draw the conclusion that kneeing during the National Anthem has something to do with racial issues or intercity issues, but when I see them do it I only see spoiled overpaid young men who have never defended our country disrespecting our country and it pisses me off.

I am only one old veteran. My opinion will never count, nor will my withholding a few dollars from NFL purchases ever mean anything to a rich Steve Ross. However, it will make me feel better to be done with the NFL.

I will never watch an NFL game again! They can take it and shove it. "For those who fought for it, freedom has a flavor the protected will never know". USMC Vietnam, 69-70. US Army retired.