Guzzi Belly Flop


My name is Dustin Maki. Mak as in Big Mac + EE. It is Finnish for Hill.

Living east of Memphis, formerly northern Wisconsin.

I've been slomobile since owning a 62 Pontiac Starchief that could fit 8 people inside and 3 in the trunk(4 if they are small). The drive in charged per carload. We rode low, had to go slow, but we were mobile.

Husband, dad, 2 dogs, a few robots.

Honda Twinstar, Suzuki Water Buffalo and '79 GS1000, BMW R100/7, Ducati ST2, and the only one I still have 2000 Moto Guzzi Jackal which I rode till failed back and neck surgeries left my spine too unstable to sit upright more than a couple minutes at a time. I'm getting to where I can't sit in a recliner or car seat. So I stare at the Goose in the garage wondering how to:

chop off the seat and rear fender,

make some type of bed thing the same slope as the tank,

clip-on bars way down on the forks,

subtract one rear wheel, add back 2,

figure out how to see forward while lying down unable to look up,

how to shift with my feet way back there,

not fall over, or flip over when I twist the throttle,

because I want the thing to lean.

So, I'll have a few questions. Some with impossible answers.

Dustin Maki

slomobile robotics
Welcome to the forum from Western Pennsylvania Good Luck travel safe Fred
Welcome Dustin. I see you are into robotics? Have you thought of making a robot shifter.? You will need to go entirely to hand brakes, a chin support. Good luck with your project.