Ham and beans

jim peacock

Contrinuting Member
Apr 21, 2009
Reaction score
greenfield indiana
The way I like ham and beans is with corn bread,onions,mustard and horseradish mixed in and fried potatos on the side with a big glass of cold milk,yum yum,wait a couple of hours and you will get a rise out of it.
Its BAKED HAM time of the year at my house and I get to make it like I used to at the Fire House for 25 years 1 large whole ham , trim excess fat away soak in salted water [optional] , then wipe dry, place ham in either coke or root beer don't use diet sugar free, score top of ham in diamond pattern, looks nice and lets liquid into the meat , pineapples and cherries are nice touch, sprinkle heavy with brown sugar as it cooks 375' for about 3 or 4 hours you don't want to dry it out, my T fine eating,