Harley's "Ride Planner" way point placement

Hey all,

Been lurking around the forum for years, just never had much to say, but do have a question on those that use Harley’s “Ride Planner”. We are planning a 32 day trip this year and have been using “Ride Planner” to help do some of the routing. (Mainly because I am OLD and can’t remember what I did yesterday, so there is no way I will remember every turn that we will be taking day by day). The question I have is those of you that do use “Ride Planner”, when and where do you place your way points when, planning a route? What is your thinking, at random ( ¼ , ½ , ¾ of the way between locations) or specific locations (after major roads, major intersections or town) to make sure the GPS will map the route that you want?

Mr Ed
I've been riding for about 60 years and never planned a ride yet. I get bored with group rides most of the time. We usually take a map and pick a destination and work backwards, seeking twisties or sights. At dark thirty or before we look for lodging. Usually though we look for lodging in mid afternoon. Been coast to coast several times and never made lodging reservations. Rode US1 to Maine a few years ago with a buddy and didn't have reservations either. I will however say riding across Canada requires a little planning or a stout sleeping bag. To me riding has always been about getting away from schedules and enjoying whatever the ride brings. Hey, that's just me/us.