I do believe spring may be here!

We had two days in a row that were quite nice and definitely "rideable"; been a long winter with LOTS and LOTS of snow.

Next Monday (week from today) the minister (Minister of War and Finance, i.e. the Wife) and I are heading south for a long ride. Only hard spot in the schedule is Wednesday night reservation in a lodge on the South Rim of the Grand Canyon. Otherwise we have no agenda or schedule; telling the kids not to look for us until they hear us coming.

I love the four corners area for riding. Last fall the Minister and I rented a trike from Eagle Riders and rode for a week in that area; it was nothing short of awesome. That lead to our buying a 2016 trike late last fall and this will be our first long ride on it. I'm like a little kid waiting for Christmas.

Will try to take/ post a few pictures but I don't like riding with only one hand while I operate the camera.

Minister :clapping: Ilike that .

Enjoy and be safe out there. The no destination trips are the best.
What a great plan!

I’ll bet the Minister would do the honors with the camera for ya!

Have fun, ride safe!
Have a great & safe trip. Post lots of pics too! My wife & I are thinking about riding that area after Labor day.
don't forget your cool weather gear. CG south rim can be about 7,000 feet and gets chilly this time of year.

It's one of my favorite spots. You're gonna have a blast.
Sounds like you are going to have a great time!

Give the Minister the camera, she can add that to her resume. :laugh:

Wishing you miles of smiles!

Thanks to everyone for the 'well-wishes' and advice. I quite certain that the North rim and Zion National park will be in our travels.

Might come back through Colorado; the Silverton/ Ouray route but then again it may be a bit early for that....we shall see. Going south we are going down the west side of Utah through a whole lot of nada and small towns I've never visited......coming north we just may take highway 93 up through Nevada.....again a whole lot of nada. I tend to love riding the back roads and avoid the interstate when on a bike. It brings out the small town 'hick' in me; born in the boondocks!

James P.