Hi From AZ

Hi all, new member here from AZ.<br />
I plan to attend the BTW trike in at Laughlin NV in March and also the trike in at Seligman AZ in May.
Hello azdigger <img src="images/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" alt="" title="Smile" class="inlineimg" />. Welcome aboard! Looking forward to a long acquaintance with you and your trike!
Welcome to Trike Talk azdigger. Glad to hear you have a vw trike. We are outnumbered for now. Did anyone say we like pictures. :yes: Got any snow out there? We got 7" yesterday and have another storm coming tuesday, wednesday. Who knows how much more we will get. SPRING IS COMING
The Laughlin TRIKER RIVER RUN is in March 2010, 19th-21st at the Riverside Casino.<br />
I will Try to get some pics of my trike . When I gotit it was flat black (everything) guy called it a "custom rat trike" , nothing custom at all.<br />
I am getting ready to paint it so after I am done I will get some pics of it.<br />
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No snow here in Kingman but it is raining today Temp is about 45 outside.
Good thing the Trike In isn't at the Edgewater, huh?? Hopefully, Pest & I'll wonder down to that one since it's paractiacly in our back yard. We're thinking about going to Seligman too, so maybe we'll see ya. Since you're close enough to "day trip it" are you going for the whole 3 days? Welcome to Trike Talk!<br />
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Welcome azdigger from SW MO! I can only wish we had temps as balmy as 45°.:( The salt on the roads from our latest ice/snowstorm would wash away if we would get some rain. I just keep repeating,"Spring is coming,Spring is coming,Spring is coming..."