I finally did it.


5250+ Posts
I bought a billit gas door to put in my seat 2 years ago but could never bring myself to actually mount it in the seat. My wife doesn't ride with me that often so it wasn't a big deal. Yesterday I was looking for something and I came across that door and said to myself its time to put that door in. Still the hardest part was drilling that firdt hole in my seat. After that I had to finish. I painted the door brown to match my seat so I had to wait for that to finish drying. I got it in and it looks pretty good.I need to get some contact cement to glue down the upholstry.After I do I will take a picture and post it.
I have a full can of Brown spray I will need to use some where. Since I will have to take the door off to paint it I will wait and do a touch up and maybe the clearcoat then. Thanks for the idea.
I must be missing something ... are we talking about a biller "door" through the seat to fill the fuel? Guess I need pictures ... LOL.
I must be missing something ... are we talking about a biller "door" through the seat to fill the fuel? Guess I need pictures ... LOL.

Ultimate seats has a gas door option that uses an aftermarket fuel door. Many folks have bought the door and done the modification themselves. Here is the picture of what Pegasus1300 is doing.


Corbin has a version that they modify the front "wing" of the seat:

And open. access to the gas cap without lifting the seat.:

Motorcycle design engineers do strange things to motorcycles, the least of which is lifting the seat to refuel. The GW folks in all their wisdom buried the air filter in the guts of the machine and never considered a correction, go figure.
No, actually I don't even know it is there until fill up time. It does not get hot or put any pressure on my leg, it is just real convenient.
3 month report on the gas door in the seat. It is working great and I realy like the convinience of not raising the seat to gas up. I was asked if the door got in the way of my leg but it does not. I don't even know it is there. There is no heat transfer to me at all. The only draw back is that I have to put my hand in carefully to get thru the opening and remember not to put the cap on too tight. I could have left it flat black,the color it came in but I am glad I found a brown that went well with my seat.
I did the gas door in the seat mod back in July 2019. Now after 6 months it is still holding up well. The paint on the door had not scratched, faded, or worn at all and still looks as good as when I first did it. The hardest part of doing the is making that first cut in the seat. I still shudder when thinking about it.