I'm Back! (hide the ladies and liquor)


750+ Posts
Sold the FW last year 'cos, frankly, I got tired of trying to keep a black vehicle looking clean. But, being the garage queen whore that I am, had to take a look in the dealer at a 2017 FW with only 1046 miles on it. Didn't like the numbers so shot them a low ball offer just to keep them off my back. And, dagnabbit, they come back two weeks later and take it. Now I'm the proud (embarrassed?) owner of a tangerine:


They should be able to see me coming down the road.

Traded the Dyna in, so down to one harley. At my age I'm thinking that's enough.

So I'll be roaming the hallways, looking over people's shoulders. Might even go for a ride if the weather ever clears. We had snow all day Saturday...
Thanks, Jack. I figure about the time I get used to the color I'll be trading for something else. Can't seem to hang on to any of these things more than 2-3 years...
Welcome to the Gang from Western Colorado.

Wonder why they took the low ball ... maybe keep an eye on the trans and primary fluid levels ... it might have the migration issue.

I do like the color ... and the pin stripping/graphics.
Nice looking trike, great color too. :clapping:

I heard there's still snow flying in Wyoming and Colorado. :xzqxz:
Welcome to the Gang from Western Colorado.

Wonder why they took the low ball ... maybe keep an eye on the trans and primary fluid levels ... it might have the migration issue.

I do like the color ... and the pin stripping/graphics.

I don’t think they had a problem with the freewheelers’ like I had with my 17 Tri Glide as a matter of fact my dealer still has the one he took off my hands been sitting there for maybe 9 months I know Harley is taking a beating sales wise some of the sugars are running out of the Kool-Aid 📞
They 'think' a primary vent kit will fix the problem. If I get bit the cost won't put too big of a dent in what I saved...
Ron Congrats yep that bid came back to bit you. VERY pretty though. Enjoy
HD sales flat

Welcome to the Gang from Western Colorado.

Wonder why they took the low ball ... maybe keep an eye on the trans and primary fluid levels ... it might have the migration issue.

I do like the color ... and the pin stripping/graphics.

Floor plan financing for dealers is a killer
:welcome: To the Trike Talk Family! FROM SOUTH
Angleton, TX

Howdy Ron:wave4: