I'm So Over Winter

Sep 20, 2009
Reaction score
NE Ohio
The groundhog lied.

What do expect out of a rodent? Well, some weather persons aren't any better!


From NH
It was 19 degrees when I awoke. A year ago today, we hit an all-time high temp of 84 degrees. We are forcast for cold weather through the end of the month. Waiting for the March's lamb...
Seems like winter just keeps on going and going and going!:gah: Sunday evening and Monday we had blizzard conditions with snow and winds up in the 40 to 52 mph range. This morning it was -5 below with a high forecast of only 12 above. We have snow every where and no bare ground in sight. Last year on this date I had the trike out and we were in the 60's and 70's. The forecast shows temps only getting into the upper 20's to 30 in the next week and the first week of April getting in the upper 30's to 40. Our normal temps for today are 21 for a low and 39 for a high. By the end of March we should be in the mid 40's. Today is the first day of Spring!!!???
It is depressing looking at the long range forecasts and seeing below average temperatures for a loooonnnngggg stretch. I wouldn't mind some cold with some warm days thrown in once in a while.
One year ago today the temperature in Cincinnati was 82 degrees. Today the high will be 39..Not much hope for a "average" temperature until early April at best. This global warming is killing us isn't it?
It looks like it's about 80° out, clear blue skies, the palm trees are swaying in the breeze, and the waves are gently lapping up on the beach. Wait a minute, the weather lady says it's about to snow again.....I must be looking at my screen saver again....:gah::gah:

Come on Springtime!!
For the past several years I've been able to get my 1st ride of the year before the end of March, doesn't look like It'll happen this year with the way the weather has been going. The goofy State keeps dumping brine down by the tanker load and salt by the ton.
Until I started reading some of these post I thought we had it bad around here with the forecase of 3 to 4 inches of snow Thursday night.:gah: Now I feel we don't have it bad at all except for the fact we might get 3 to 4 inches of snow around here Thursday night!:gah::gah: I keep thinking it's only 89 days to the ralley.pepper
Very cold and windy here for the 1st day of Spring with single digit temps at night and negative below 0 wind chills all day...:gah:
Yep I was looking for better riding before April as the Trike will be put up april and May for sure due to my reconstuction surgery ..now that's the Sh--- just get her paid off and can't ride in our normally best riding weather in SC.
I feel so bad for all the areas that are facing this new snow storm. We are facing severe weather also. I keep having to run to the basement yelling "Auntie EM"!! Keep a mc helmet in the corner of the basement at all times, grab my purse, guns and money, oh and a flashlight. Karen
Can't believe the weather many are having. It's been in the mid-80's about all week, but a cold front came in, only 76* today. Gonna be in the mid-50's overnight and only 68* tomorrow. All with just a few sprinkles. Darn cold weather... :)

Got to ride all day today.