Is it Me !


Gold Member
Today I decided to expand my horizons and surf the cable TV channels as I’ve seen every Gunsmoke series. I came across a channel named Allblk . Then it hit me that Bitehim wants to hire only BLACK women to run his world . And he makes it a point to mention the black word , as he did when he picked our VP .

Just when the left said the Confederate Flag represents racism , our president makes a point to tell white folks that we are the dirt. Is history no longer allowed to be taught in school ? Why is every month Black History month ?

I have nothing against any person of color , plus have quite a few of them as good friends , But ya got to stop with the “Poor Me “ attitude , and the BLM issues . What happened to the “ All People Are Created Equally” go to :Shrug: .

Yes I’m sick and old , so I have a right to rant at times …
I watched a documentary last Sunday called Created Equal by Clarence Thomas, in his own words. Very well done and enlightening. If you can find it, I do recommend it. It will give you hope..... Jim
It is a shame the powers that be are pushing a civil war clash in the USA

They best be careful, even Blacks see thru the Dems culture crap, they will find them selves still trapped in poverty and blaming everyone but them selves for the continuing blithe

If we do not try to get along on an equal stage, we are finished as a Republic
Today I decided to expand my horizons and surf the cable TV channels as I’ve seen every Gunsmoke series. I came across a channel named Allblk . Then it hit me that Bitehim wants to hire only BLACK women to run his world . And he makes it a point to mention the black word , as he did when he picked our VP .

Just when the left said the Confederate Flag represents racism , our president makes a point to tell white folks that we are the dirt. Is history no longer allowed to be taught in school ? Why is every month Black History month ?

I have nothing against any person of color , plus have quite a few of them as good friends , But ya got to stop with the “Poor Me “ attitude , and the BLM issues . What happened to the “ All People Are Created Equally” go to :Shrug: .

Yes I’m sick and old , so I have a right to rant at times …

No it’s not just you’ And I’ll leave it at that…..
Go to YouTube and watch some videos by Thomas Sowell the black economist and professor. He is just great and tells it like it is. I also like the late Dr. Walter Williams (also an economist and professor). These guys left the 'plantation' eons ago.
You're fine, its the BS being started by the Globalists to start a civil war between the people. The individuals saying white people are bad are white themselves. Blacks demanding they want reparations because of what was done to their ancestors are between them and the government, many European immigrants came to the US long after and are NOT responsible. Does this action of demanding reparations also apply to the Europeans who were mistreated by employers and to their future generations to collect money for the mistreatment of their grandparents.

The individuals who feel everyone owes them something need to look in the mirror, they need to stop pointing fingers at others and see that three are pointing back at them.

The link to this video will show you an individual who believes the world owes them.

If this gets too political please move it.

I'm wondering..... What makes "black" Americans think they're so "special". Virtually every race and civilization has had slaves and/or indentured servants at one time or another. Actually, Africans made white Europeans slaves at times. Not to mention the Europeans cast into slavery by the Romans. History ignored, history used to the convenience of the revisionists..... Jim
What makes "black" Americans think they're so "special".

That's easy cSc, the democratic party keeps telling the blacks they've been mistreated. Like any lie you hear often enough, blacks have started believing it.

Watching any sporting event and we can tell blacks are faster and stronger than the average white person. And we know this came about because black slaves were mated just for this characteristic. How conveniently blacks chose to forget this inconvenient truth. How much longer do you think it will be before blacks have completely taken over professional sports?

What makes "black" Americans think they're so "special".

That's easy cSc, the democratic party keeps telling the blacks they've been mistreated. Like any lie you hear often enough, blacks have started believing it.

Watching any sporting event and we can tell blacks are faster and stronger than the average white person. And we know this came about because black slaves were mated just for this characteristic. How conveniently blacks chose to forget this inconvenient truth. How much longer do you think it will be before blacks have completely taken over professional sports?


........Jimmy the Greek mention something like that in 1988.....Cost him his job..
Then it hit me that Bitehim wants to hire only BLACK women to run his world


I think bIDEN is certainly pandering to blacks alright cuz so many have come to realize democrats say all the right things but nothing ever changes for minorities.
