Is this your Daughter ????????

geez, what a Dingbat :gah: give me, give me, give me, No need to earn or work for it. Give Me.
life is going to chew these kids up and spit them out.....there ain't no " safe zones" in life......

Geez and I thought my generation(60s) was radical???
Give me, Give me, Give me, that is what a lot of people out there wants these days. It would be nice if every one who wanted a college education could get one free but that's just not going to happen. My daughter is a physical therapist now and with all of the scholarships she received she still owed a bundle after her graduation. Hard work and dedication is what it takes to make it. Now I will settle back down and get off my rant!
I watched that segment and was cringing everytime she opened her mouth. I have 3 daughters and sent them the video....I can't repeat what any of them said regarding this young lady.

I think the hard left and PC crowd is now reaping what they sowed. Hollywood could be next....imagine that
I watched it too. This young lady doesn't have a clue. I have three daughters and wouldn't trade them for any boys. They are all hard working, America loving, and love their families. Sorry rhino 2 you don't know what your missing!
You know , there is a Free College Education one can get.. It's called the GI Bill ThumbUp
That is how I got my first degree. I haven't taken advantage of my Post 9/11 GI bill. I don't even have any children eligible to take it.
That poor kid had problems speaking, like like totally , got to happen, absolutely now , and wate till reality sets in, and no you are not going to be a career student ,absolutely not !:xzqxz::AGGHH:
That poor kid had problems speaking, like like totally , got to happen, absolutely now , and wate till reality sets in, and no you are not going to be a career student ,absolutely not !:xzqxz::AGGHH:

But, But... I totally like don't understand.... You must be like one of the 1%!!!:xzqxz:
She seemed like a well intention kid, but one that doesn't have a clue in the real world. These students get this crap in colleges these days. Instructors that have no accountability, or knowledge of the "real world". Professors run most colleges today and not college administrators. They determine budgets, tenure, and policies in many cases. Deans are scared to death that the faculty will vote them a no confidence vote if there is an issue.

This is not what American higher education used to be about.