Knee replacement

First day was great, no pain & could "race" my wheeled walker down the hall (It's a snazzy metallic blue job with mag wheels, but drum brakes

Well folks, someone told me the 2nd day was a Beeyotch - they twernt lying!!!!

The muscles all start to tighten up and getting things to move & bend becomes very problematic. Also, all that wonderful anesthetic they used on the surgery sight has worn off and now you can FEEL it!

Reminds me of all the muscle soreness after the 1st day of HS football practice, and it's all located in your knee.

Looks like I'll be using the "Blue Racer" for awhile before graduating to a cane.

Gotta start my stretching exercises and take a pain pill! And so it goes.

Takes a coupla months to feel normal again, no pain - no gain!
Definitely want to get on the trike soon! :clapping:

Update: THE ICE PACKS HELP A TON! Less pain & swelling, better mobility. ThumbUp

Hang in there! Everyone has told me that rehab is critical to success so stay with it. You'll be back in the saddle before ye know it. :clapping:
Keep me posted Dockem!!! Had my MRI Monday and my appt with the surgeon is in a couple of weeks for mine! Using a cane a lot right now to get around but looking forward to having no pain or a lot less pain later in the year!
Hope you heal quickly. My riding season is about to end as I head to the VA next week for a left hip replacement. Dr's say it will be late September at best before I will be allowed to get back on my trike. They say it's more likely mid October and in MN that could be the start of winter.
Hey Jim,

I am wishing you a speedy recovery. Just hang in there.

Keep us posted.ThumbUp
My dad had both knees done in the mid 80's. He did the PT and followed the doctor's instructions to the letter, and was playing golf in 6 weeks. About 5 months after the surgery the skated in an 'Old Timers" reunion hockey game at Michigan Tech. His knees did fine, but being from the class of '52 and trying to keep up with the class of '82 he ended up ripping and old hernia repair and ended up getting a screen put in. :Shrug: He said that the limits his knees enforced masked the limits of the other problem. Once one limit was out of the equation other limits showed up.
I subscribed to this thread ... LOL ... a double knee replacement is in my future ... been putting it off and now it's time. Good luck, do what the doc's say and keep us posted. I hope to learn from your experiences. :D
Be careful with those pain pills. Definitely use them as needed. But if you start using them regularly for a length of time, it's hard to just go cold turkey and will probably experience some discomfort. It helps to slowly cut back on the doses until you can stop.
Be careful with those pain pills. Definitely use them as needed. But if you start using them regularly for a length of time, it's hard to just go cold turkey and will probably experience some discomfort. It helps to slowly cut back on the doses until you can stop.

Not to worry, had plenty of formal education on the hazards of opiods. I use them sparingly as the downside side effects are not fun.:toilet: The ice packs are a great help.
Hope things go well for you Jim, the Misses had one done a couple of years ago, therapy, therapy, and then some more, she's doing fine now just like you will soon, get well.
I told them to keep the pain pills when I had mine done. I wasn't going to take any chances
I told them to keep the pain pills when I had mine done. I wasn't going to take any chances

The Doctors have the knee replacements down to a fine science especially over the last few years' So much so that they can now do them while you wait...:D
Bruise fairy showed up

A friend warned me in advance, so no great surprise.

After 2 1/2 days, my thigh is now sporting a beautiful deep purple bruise around the inside circumference where the tourniquet was placed. Just above my knee going north to the "netherlands".

Doesn't really hurt much (comparatively speaking) but definitely gives the overall appearance of some pizazz and color.

Taking 1/2 pain pill occasionally after doing stretching exercizes. I've heard when the PT Quasimodo gets a hold of you, you may favor a whole pill to remain civil. Got my 1st PT session on Monday morning. Let you know.

Still using ice packs, the twins are demanding goose down "puffer jackets" for Labor day sales. :D
Sounds like the hard part is behind you now, Jim. :clapping:

As you're now aware, healing doesn't happen overnight, (unfortunately). Physical therapy is no picnic either, but a necessary evil to getting better.

Hang in there, & try not to cuss too hard under your breath at the friendly therapists when they push you too hard...:D
2nd full bore PT session

10 days out from surg. About 45 minutes of PT. PT tech said I had good flexibility of the joint - 110 degrees, so that made me happy. Didn't feel too bad after I finished, but 2 hours later, I was feeling it. Iced down the knee and took 1/2 pain pill and a nap. Still feel more confident with the Blue Racer, but can use the cane for short stints and in areas of the house the 4-wheeler can't go.

I highly recommend a cane with an oversize, padded handle w/ lanyard loop and bottom legs or such so the cane can stand on it's own if need be. I found a oversize rubber tip that looks like a four leaf clover (WallyWorld) that works nicely. Helps a lot cuz it's a PIA to pick it up if the cane falls over!

Another session tomorrow morning (Fri.). Momma's gonna have the ice ready for me. :clapping:

See the Ortho Doc Monday and get the staples out. Things have healed nicely, little or no seepage from the wound. Drinking my O.J.! :)

Gotta love the wife for putting up with me! ThumbUp(Inlove)

PS: If you feel the urge, better get moving, cuz it takes longer to get to the head!!!