Labor Day

Hope all have a fun and safe holiday this weekend.

Put a slab of ribs on for me.....:D

Have "Stand-by" duty for work this weekend :mad: No big rides, or slow smoke BBQ'ing for me. :gah: Best I could manage is some grilled burgers and a short beach run in the evening. Beats being unemployed with no bike though..... :yes:
Ditto on the "stand-by" have a couple bbq's to attend though and the trike will be in attendance as well:cool:
Went to a bike club meeting last night, was the only trike there. Felt special! Grandkids coming for dinner tomorrow, ScalpHunter supposed to grill if not a gazillion degrees outside. Hope to ride on Monday, but weather may not cooperate. Keeping fingers, toes, etc., all crossed for a safe weekend for everyone!
This weekend is the "4 Corners Bike Rally" in the Durango CO area. Wish I was there!! I say "area" because it's like in the Sturgis area -- every little town for 50 miles around has something going on for the rally. I was there last year & 3 years ago. First time (07), stayed at the Sugar Pine Ranch, just north of Mancos, which is a fair imitation of the notorious places like "The Chip" in Sturgis, though not as wild. Camping area is far enough away from the party area the thump thump from the bands most of the night wasn't too objectionable. It was funny -- in camp, we'd just ran out of beer about 3:00 AM when a gal came by the fire & almost immediately left -- only to come back about 30 min later with her car & 3 cases of brew on ice! She made 4 new friends for life THAT night!! Hmmm -- that sounded much more risque than it was, but then too, I don't know what happened after I crashed! Had a LOT of fun there both times I've been there.

LOTS of good riding & beautiful country in that area, especially US 550 -- "The Million Dollar Hwy".
