Look familiar ................


Dead animals deserve balloons...
Gold Member
Thank you Joe .................. :mad:

sure as Hell does, sad part, could have been avoided. Do wonder how Biden can be so stupid?......Fellow trikers, I do not believe that for a heart beat, I think his actions have a purpose, we can think on that, it isn't rocket science
I would not be at all surprised, all these people that hate the US will now be emboldened. This administration has an agenda, and it sure ain't 'peace through strength'. Anyone prepared to be a 3rd world country? I know I'm not, this old country boy will be on a boat to the Philippines or somewhere.
How much more of this bumbling fool will it take before he is removed from office

We are now ripe for a take over by those that hate us

This is no longer funny and needs to be taken care of, too much blood has been lost around the world fighting fights we have no vested interest in

The war machine needs to stop now, all in command starting @ the Pentagon need to answer for poor choices

Joe ha got to go NOW
Somehow, I saw this coming. If the Chi Coms think they have the answer, good luck to them.
WE need to get ready for Joes next Make America Last blunder, it aint going to be pretty

China will cripple our economy, foreign entities in the US will start cell activity to hurt us from with in, wait for it , it is coming to a town near you
I would not be at all surprised, all these people that hate the US will now be emboldened. This administration has an agenda, and it sure ain't 'peace through strength'. Anyone prepared to be a 3rd world country? I know I'm not, this old country boy will be on a boat to the Philippines or somewhere.

I used to think that way too a friend familiar with the place told me to check into the Philippines on the internet and on message forums and found that outside the small enclave of American expatriate communities Americans are in grave danger on the island in many parts throughout. Many if not most folks there love the dollar but hate the American, the dirty American. I quickly abandoned the thought. The natives have long memories.
How much more of this bumbling fool will it take before he is removed from office

We are now ripe for a take over by those that hate us

This is no longer funny and needs to be taken care of, too much blood has been lost around the world fighting fights we have no vested interest in

The war machine needs to stop now, all in command starting @ the Pentagon need to answer for poor choices

Joe ha got to go NOW

Americas day of having blood flowing in the streets is right around the corner I'm afraid. Americans have become way too complacent and comfortable and even lazy in many respects. What we've been seeing in Europe and the middle East is not far off. I've been reading that we are very ripe, kind of overdue for another 9/11 type of attack and that the TSA has become a sad joke with security at the airports. Who knows but I fear for Americas future.
I used to think that way too a friend familiar with the place told me to check into the Philippines on the internet and on message forums and found that outside the small enclave of American expatriate communities Americans are in grave danger on the island in many parts throughout. Many if not most folks there love the dollar but hate the American, the dirty American. I quickly abandoned the thought. The natives have long memories.

Hey.......Many Americans are in grave danger living in Chicago.....

The Commander of Sheep Biden is set to speak @ 345 today, you know he will blame Trump for this terrible blunder

As O bama said, paraphrasing here, Joe will F@#ck this up as usual

It is over due to Impeach this whole cabinet and hold Congress feet to the fire also

They read the intel every day, they are all covering for Joe's ineptness, let's not forget Heels up Harris is privy to all of this and has said notta
Americas day of having blood flowing in the streets is right around the corner I'm afraid. Americans have become way too complacent and comfortable and even lazy in many respects. What we've been seeing in Europe and the middle East is not far off. I've been reading that we are very ripe, kind of overdue for another 9/11 type of attack and that the TSA has become a sad joke with security at the airports. Who knows but I fear for America's future.

One of the many reasons I do not fly thank you very much ! :clapping:
The Commander of Sheep Biden is set to speak @ 345 today, you know he will blame Trump for this terrible blunder

As O bama said, paraphrasing here, Joe will F@#ck this up as usual

It is over due to Impeach this whole cabinet and hold Congress feet to the fire also

They read the intel every day, they are all covering for Joe's ineptness, let's not forget Heels up Harris is privy to all of this and has said notta

Slightly o/t ........... How yah holding up in the storm Jack ? :confused:
When I see all the stupity thats happening, and where we seem to be headed? Well I realize how lucky I am to be nearing the end of my life, and that I have no children.:)
I used to think that way too a friend familiar with the place told me to check into the Philippines on the internet and on message forums and found that outside the small enclave of American expatriate communities Americans are in grave danger on the island in many parts throughout. Many if not most folks there love the dollar but hate the American, the dirty American. I quickly abandoned the thought. The natives have long memories.

Hmmm, that's interesting Jake. I guess every country has it's problems. Seems ours is gonna blow up from within. Thanks for the comment.
Americas day of having blood flowing in the streets is right around the corner I'm afraid. Americans have become way too complacent and comfortable and even lazy in many respects. What we've been seeing in Europe and the middle East is not far off. I've been reading that we are very ripe, kind of overdue for another 9/11 type of attack and that the TSA has become a sad joke with security at the airports. Who knows but I fear for Americas future.

Jake, you have a good take our future, I fear the same. With open borders and an administration that allows and supports illegals to pour into our country, we are totally ripe for 9/11s for sure. Check out the many local acts of terrorism supported and encouraged by the liberal politicians, as in BLM,, Activa, lack of protection as in defund the police, big city crime, it's just friggin crazy nuts. Look, the story is, when we have 'a person' as president like Biden, and a spineless man like Milley as Joint Chief of Staff who sits at some desk and worries about being white, we are close to destruction from within.