Looking for New Jersey Trikers


TOI - New Jersey
We recently volunteered to be a New Jersey "coordinator/contact" for TOI and TT. As such, I'm trying to put together a list of NJ trike owners. I already know of some of you who are TOI members, but there are MANY others out there who may be TT members or maybe just "lurk" on the TT site, that do not show on the TOI members list.

To try to "liven things up" a little we will try to organize a few mini events where we can at least "ride to, meet, greet, and eat". Any of this will be posted here, but to insure contact, if you will send me a PM with your "regular" email address and location, I can put together a (confidential) group e-mailing to announce any activities. Even if you know of a trike owner who is not "affiliated" with TOI & TT, see if they will let you send me their email address so they can get in on the fun.

For example, I personally know about 8 trike owners who do not belong to, or perhaps not even know about "us" - I will be adding them to the list.

Looking forward to hearing from Jersey Trikers. :wave4:
I'm just over on Long Island. About 60 miles east of NYC. Anything in NJ I stand a good chance of talking the wife into riding to. I'll just tell her that is where her favorite football team plays. The "NJ" Giants. I can feel the rolling pin just whistling over my head as I duck.:qpnmt:
Thanks for the reply, BB. If you care to PM me you "regular" email address I'll put you on the "group" mailing list. If and when we do some sort of get-together within your "operational range", we'd be happy to see you. :party:
See what happens when you ask a serious question, WOW! You never get a straight answer from some people. Maybe some of the NJ riders got washed out to sea or they didn't "hear" you.
Good luck, I tried to reach NH riders but didn't fair well. I guess some people don't like group meetings, rides, or eating together.


From NH

See what happens when you ask a serious question, WOW! You never get a straight answer from some people. Maybe some of the NJ riders got washed out to sea or they didn't "hear" you.

Good luck, I tried to reach NH riders but didn't fair well. I guess some people don't like group meetings, rides, or eating together.



From NH

...and I thought the "eating" part would do the trick. :D :laugh:
Maybe we should have said, going out for an ice cream! From what I've heard Goldwing trikers like to go out for Ice Cream! DQ, here we come!


From NH
Maybe we should have said, going out for an ice cream! From what I've heard Goldwing trikers like to go out for Ice Cream! DQ, here we come!



From NH

Good idea - I'll keep DQ in mind. Annabell's would be too far an NJ day trip. :D :laugh:

See what happens when you ask a serious question, WOW! You never get a straight answer from some people. Maybe some of the NJ riders got washed out to sea or they didn't "hear" you.

Good luck, I tried to reach NH riders but didn't fair well. I guess some people don't like group meetings, rides, or eating together.



From NH

Rosy, FYI, I did respond with a PM. :D
I bet you send the PM message after we said we were going to DQ! LOL
Hey, have a great day! See you soon.


From NH

I bet you send the PM message after we said we were going to DQ! LOL

Hey, have a great day! See you soon.



From NH

Wrong... :laugh:

"Date: Sat, 13 Apr 2013 10:37:24 -0700

Hi Leo,

Thanks for your prompt reply..."

Have a good one...
If I'm not mistaken, Leo holds the record for prompt replies. :D :) ThumbUp

We're more concerned about the "other 500" (+ or -) NJ trike riders we haven't found yet. When we finally find them, the next job is to find a DQ big enough... :laugh:
Reminder - you don't have to be a TOI member (although with FREE membership, why not be?) to be on the NJ Trike rider email list. We look forward to hearing from as many NJ "3 wheelers" as possible. ThumbUp
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Hey, Jersey Trikers - we're still trying to build the NJ Trike Riders email list. Be sure to be among the "first to know" about any NJ activities that may come along. PM me your "regular" email address so you can be added to the list. ThumbUp